Chapter 2

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     "So I turned around, and saw Aaron standing there with a sign that said 'Will you go to prome with me! He didn't even spell 'prom' right!" Naomi says, laughing. "I don't even know why I bother! He is such an idiot!"

      "I told you that when you started dating that loser!" I smile at her as we walk through the hallway to French class. "I told you that he was so dumb, and in the long run you shouldn't date him! But did you listen? Nooooo!"

       "Yea, yea, yea." Naomi says. "You were right, I was wrong, blah, blah, blah."

       "And don't you forget it!" I say.

      Everyone starts laughing as Naomi lightly smacks my arm.

     I see my mom and dad walking together on the other side of the hallway. My mom gives me a bright smile, and I smile and wave back.

     I swear to God, whoever created geometry had me in mind and hated me. I'm sitting with Addi, Maria, and Naomi in the library for our free period.
    "Did you guys hear about the new girl?" Naomi asks, looking up from her homework. "Bella Swan?"

     "Oh yea, Chief Swan's daughter?" I say. "Didn't she start today?"

     "Yep, she's in my art class. Not very talkative," Maria pipes up.

     "Oh screw geometry," I say setting it aside. "There's no way that I'm passing this class." I get out my Pre AP/IB English homework. I have to write a 3000 word essay on Pride and Prejudice.

      "You could always bribe the teacher," Maria suggests.

       "Yea okay," I smile.

       "Hey on the bright side if you get held back, I'll be there with you!" Addi says. "Biology is not my thing."

       "It's okay, we can just get a volleyball scholarship," Maria says, getting up.

       "Yep, works for me!" I say, packing up my homework into my bag.
        "Do you know what time we are getting out of here?" Addi asks.

        "I think we're leaving at 1:30 to go to our game," I say.
        The shrill sound of the bell hurts my ears. Not anyone else's. Just mine. It's my vampire hearing. It doesn't hurt as bad as my siblings, though. My hearing isn't as sharp, and on point as the rest of my families. Just like how I'm strong, stronger than a normal human being, but not as strong as my family. Or how I sleep, and eat, and drink. How I still get sick, but I still need blood. I'm not full vampire, but I'm not full human.

     "Bye Nic!" Naomi calls, Waving to me.  "See ya on the bus!"

     "Bye!" I call back and wave.

      "Hey squirt! Where ya going?" Emmett says running up beside me with Rosealie.

       "To gym," I give Rosalie a side hug. "Aren't you gonna be late?"

       "Nah, who needs trigonometry?" Emmett laughs.

        "I don't even know how you do it. I can barely pass geometry!" I sigh.

        Aunt Rose chuckles. "Well maybe we'll have to help you with your homework tonight."

      "Well that's hardly fair, you guys have probably taken it like 20 times!" I laugh.

      "Do you want to pass or not, squirt?" Emmett says.

       I smile and head to gym class. I change into black shorts and a grey t-shirt.

       "Hey Nic!" Mac yells as he runs over. Mac's cool. Probably one of my only guy friends. That's because my Uncles and my Father have already chased all the other ones off.

        "What's up, Mac?" I say, walking over to him.

        "You know that new girl? Bella Swan?" He asks.

        "I haven't met her yet," I say as we head over to the bleachers. "Why is it so big? She's just new here."

       "Do you know how long it's been since we've had a new kid? My cousin,  Paul, says that we haven't had a new kid here in Forks for like two years!"

       "Probably because we live in the most physically boring town, on the face of this Earth!" I say.

      Mac shrugs. "Maybe."

      For gym, Coach spilt us up so that guys were playing basketball, and girls were playing volleyball. Not complaining of course. I love volleyball. Bad news, though. Bella doesn't seem to even know what volleyball is.

     The ball is spiked over the net by another girl, so I dive to get it. I get the dig and send it over to Bella.

     "Bella! That's yours!" I call over to her.

     She tries to spike it, but ends up sending the ball flying into Mike Newton's head. I laugh as she turns red, and runs over to apologize. Jessica Stanley runs up quickly behind her.

     Someone's jealous. I think to myself.

    I get the ball back from Mike, and quickly start the game again.
    After gym, I hurry to catch Bella before she goes into her next class. 

    "Hey girl," I smile walking up to her. "Killer spike."

     "You're telling me," She laughs, embarrassed.

     "Hi I'm Nicole, but everyone calls me Nic, or Nikki," I introduce myself, extending my hand.

      "Bella," She smiles, and takes my hand.

      "So how's being the new kid going?" I ask as we start walking down the hall.

      "I hate the stares," Bella admits. "It's like they've never seen a person before."

      I laugh. "Trust me, they move on quick enough. Just don't do anything stupid in the town. Word gets around quicker than the plague here."

       Bella smiles at me. "Thanks for the advice.

       I give her a bright smile back. "No problem."

      Freshman girls volleyball team, meet in the cafeteria at this time. You are leaving. A voice calls over the intercom.

      "That's my cue," I say. "See ya around, Bella.

      She gives a small wave. "Bye, Nikki."

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