Chapter 4

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Nicole's P.O.V.
    I wake up in the middle of the night with a pounding headache. Like 500 hammers hitting my skull. My stomach hurts too. I curl up into a ball on my bed, and try to go back to sleep.

    The pain in my stomach isn't getting any better, either. Just the thought of eating something makes me want to throw up.

    I turn over to look at my alarm clock that sits on my nightstand. It says it's just a little past 1 in the morning.

    Before I even have time to think, I'm out of bed running to my bathroom. The moment I get over the toilet. I vomit.

    I feel cold hands smoothing my hair back being my head and holding it there.

     "Shhh, shhh, it's okay," I hear Aunt Rosalie coo. "Carslise." She calls.

     Within seconds, everyone is in my bathroom. Carslise comes over to me and puts a cold hand on my forehead and my cheek, checking my temperature.

    "Yea, She has a fever," Carslise informs him with his doctor voice. "She's warmer than usual."

     I cough, spitting out the remaining bile in my mouth.

     "Can you get up?" Carslise asks.

     I close my eyes and slowly nod. God, now I feel dizzy. I slowly stand up, with Aunt Rose's hands staying next to me in case I fall.

     In a flash, Else's next to me with a thermometer in her hand. "Open your mouth," She instructs.

     I obey, and within a minute Carslise takes it out.

     "103.5," He says. "Come on, let's go downstairs so I can get you some medicine."

    I nod, and rub my eyes. I take a step forward, only to almost fall on my face. Aunt Rose' s cold, hard arms catch me. With ease, She lifts me up into her arms and rushes downstairs.

    She sets me on the couch so that my head is resting on her lap. I can see my dad grabbing a blanket and putting it over me.

     I hate being babied. Even when I'm sick, I hate not being able to take care of myself. But i feel to weak to do anything about it, so I just let everyone take care of me.

     "She must be really sick if she actually is letting us take care of her," Emmett laughs softly, earning a glare from Rose.

     "Very funny, Emmett," I mumble. "In fact, that's so funny I forgot to laugh."

     That earns a few quiet chuckles from my family members.

     "Here," Carslise sets some pills and a glass of water on the table. "Take these, and some water."

     I sit up from Aunt Rosalie's cold embrace, which actually feels really nice, and take the pills and drink the water.

    "How do you feel?" Carslise asks. Being the doctor, as usual.

    "Like I got hit by a bus," I say, laying back down.

     Carslise chuckles. "No, honey, what are your symptoms?"

      I shrug. "Headache, my stomach hurts, dizzy, my throat hurts."

      He nods. "I think you just need some rest. You've been over working yourself."

      "Rest, got it," I say.

      Aunt Rosalie starts playing with my hair, and with that i slowly doze off to sleep.
   I wake up to light streaming through the windows in the living room. Aunt Rose must've left for school because my heads no longer in her lap. I sit up, and stretch my limbs, and groan. I feel a tiny bit better from yesterday... or this morning I guess.

   "Morning Nikki," Esme says as she comes into the living room, holding a cups of tea.

    "Morning," I reply, my voice horse from sleep.

     "How are you feeling?" She asks, putting a hand to my head.

      "Better than I was last night," I say.

      "That's good. Carslise said that is was probably just a stomach bug," Esme smiles. "Here. This should help with your sore throat." She hands me the tea in her hand.

      "Thanks," I say. *bing!* I hear my phone go off. Looking to my right, I see it's sitting on the coffee table.

     "Your phone's been going off all day, you must be missed," Esme smiles.

      "Yea no kidding. 5 missed calls, and about 20 texts." I smile.

     I open my phone to find 10 of those text being on the group chat that has me, Naomi, Addi, and Maria on it.
  (A/N Hey guys! This next part of the story will be in text form. So, like, the view on Nicole's phone. M=Maria, N=Nicole, A=Addi, Me=Nicole.)

   A- Hope you're feeling better!

   M- Yea we can't play without our best spiker.


    N-seriously guys, get it together.

    N-anyways, hope you're feeling better.

    M-Yea and since you're home, feel free to text me anytime you want.

    A-Yep, I agree with Maria. Feel free to text me in class. Especially during geometry.

    N-see, Maria? I told you that if you try thinking for once, you might actually have a good idea.

    M-screw you.

   I laugh as I read over the text from my friends. It's 9:26 right now, meaning that Addi should still be in geometry.

   Me-thanks guys! I'll be better by tomorrow, most likely. So you won't have to suffer the pain of being without me for long! Love you all!

   The next few texts were from various people: My family, Mac, my coach, and.. Bella. I didn't know she had my number. It's a small town I guess. She could've gotten it from anyone.

   I smile and text Bella back, thanking her for the text. She's really a nice girl. Even if she is the reason for Edward leaving.
  "Hi, honey," My dad smiles as he walks into the house. He comes over to where I'm sitting on the couch, and kisses me on the top of my head.

  "How ya feeling, squirt?" Uncle Emmett asks.

   "Better than I did last night," I answer. Receiving kisses from my Mom.

   "That's good," My mom skips over to the spot next to me. "Do you think you'll be able to come back to school tomorrow?"

   "That's Carslise's call," Esme calls from the kitchen.

   My mom gets this dazed look on her face, the one she gets when she's having a vision. She soon smiles and looks at me.

   "Your friends are on their way here to see how you're doing," She looks at my dad, who now looks extremely uncomfortable. "Come on, Jazz. Let's go hunt."

   My dad nods, and takes her outstretched hand. No sooner than five minutes after they leave the house, I hear the doorbell ring. I smile. and get up from my place on the couch and head over to the door.

  "Hey!" Maria, Naomi, and Addi call in unison.

   "Hi," I say, opening the door wider, morning for then to come in.

   "We brought presents," Naomi hand me a fairly large stack of papers. "Your homework."

   "Wow... whatever would I do without you," I mutter sarcastically.

    They all start giggling, and run up to my room.

   "After you," I mutter again after they're gone.




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