Chapter 18

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Prom. I high school girls dream. At least almost every high school girls dream. Not Bella, however. Not Bella. I could hear her whining while mom was on the phone with her, telling Bella she'll be there soon to help her get ready.

I stand in my room, looking at myself in a full-length mirror. About two days after I woke up, My mom was dragging me to store to find my prom outfit. Three malls and one grumpy me later, we finally found the perfect one.

I'm wearing a maroon, off the shoulder mermaid gown with a crystal belt. After getting a pair of silver high heals, Mom was finally satisfied enough to let me come home.

Aunt Rose curled the bottom of my hair, so that it fell straight and was curly at the bottom. I'm wearing simple makeup. Not enough to look like a circus clown, but enough to make someone notice me. I put on the crystal earrings and neckalace pair Mom got me for Christmas last year and head downstairs.

Of course everyone is already downstairs and ready to go. Curse their vampire speed. I keep my eyes on the stairs, trying not to fall down in the heels I am wearing. The moment I reach the bottom, I am bombarded by the girls in my family. All of them gushing about how pretty I look.

My dad gives me a proud smile, after I manage to escape the fashion frenzy that is the females in my family. He pulls me into a side hug, and my grandma makes us all pull together for a photo.

"Now remember," Uncle Emmett says coming up to me. "If any guy comes near you, I will personally pummel them." My dad and Crslise nod at this statement, causing me to roll my eyes.
The moment I walk into the gym, I'm surrounded by Naomi, Addi, and Maria.

"Oh. My. God!" Naomi squeals. "You look so pretty!" Maria and Addi nod their heads in agreement.

"You guys look absolutely gorgeous!" I smile, pulling them in for a hug.

We all walk around for a while greeting all of our friends, before we end up on the dance floor. We most likely look like idiots, but we at least look like idiots together.

"Guess who's checking you out?" Maria yells at me over the music.

I turn around to see Mac walking towards me. Wow. He looks hot. With his suit and tie on, and his hair slicked back.

Addi starts giggling as she pulls Naomi and Maria away. I shoot them all a death glare before turning to Mac.

"Hey," I say casually as I can. Completely aware that my family is most likely listening to every word.

"Hey," Mac shoves his hands into his pockets. "You look... beautiful."

I look down at my shoes, knowing that i am blushing. "Thanks," I reply, looking back up. "You look very handsome."

We both pause out conversation as the song 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran comes on. People start getting with their partners for the slow dance.

I look over to Mac to see him staring at me with a small smile on his face. He holds out one of his hands, an offer. Trying not to blush to hard, I smile and take his hand. Letting him lead me onto the dance floor.
He places his hands on my waist, and I put mine around his neck. We both start gently swaying to the music, letting silence overtake us.
"Edward, what's he thinking?" I lowly growl to my brother as I watch my daughter slow dance with a guy. A living, breathing guy.

"He's thinking about how pretty she is," Edward comments, reading his mind. "And how he likes her, the way she looks at him, or how she turns bright red when he complements her."

"Aww," Alice and Rosalie day at the same time.

"No, not 'aww'," Emmett grumbles, and I completely agree with him.

I aogh, knowing there is nothing I can do about this. If I ripped the guy to pieces in the middle of this gym Nicole would be mad at me. But if I didn't he could touch her, or even worse.... kiss her!

But she looks so happy, she feels that way too. Her emotions are a bundle of joy, excitement, and nervousness. I see Mac subtly pulling her closer, and I let a small growl lose.

"Jazzy calm down," Alice says, putting her hands on my chest. "It's fine. Look how happy she is."

I sigh, internally knowing my.mate is right. I haven't Nikki this happy in a while. And if Mac makes her happy, then I guess it's okay with me.

"Wow, I can't believe that thought just came out of you," Edward comments, looking surprised.

"What?" Alice questions.

"Basically Jasper just gave Nikki his blessing," Edward replies.

Everyone looks very surprised at that statement. No one expected me to say something like that, honestly neither did I. I always thought that i would kill the first boy that liked her.

Ugh, what is wrong with me!? I'm not supposed to be approving of this!
Nicole's P.O.V.
My dad's being really calm about this. Something must be wrong with him. He's never this calm. Especially when it comes to a boy.

I can't say I'm not enjoying myself, though. One, this is my favorite song. Two, and I can't believe I'm saying this, I think Maria's right; I might like Mac.

If course, I would never tell my dad this. Or Emmett, or Edward. They'd all kill him, or me.

"You're being uncharacteristically quiet," Mac says, snapping me out of my daze.

"I just can't believe my family is being so calm about this," I explain. "Usually they don't let guys come as close as 1p feet."

"It's because they care," Mac says quietly.

"Yea, well sometimes caring gets a little overwhelming," I admit. "Don't get me wrong, I love them. But..."

"But you think they're a little to overprotecting," Mac finishes for me.

"Exactly. They can't protect me from everything."

"But they sure can try,"

"Oh believe me," I say. "They do."

Mac and I both let out a laugh after that statement. The song soon comes to a close, making me a little sad. I wanted to spend some more time with him.

Mac leans over and puts his mouth next to my ear. "Your friends are staring." He whispers into my ear.

I turn around and sure enough, there are my friends, giggling like madmen.
I sigh and thank Mac for the dance before walking over to them.

"Nikki! You player!" Maria squeals.

I slap her on her arm, causing her to slap me back.

"How was it?" Addi asks, raising her eyebrows at me.

"I can't believe I'm saying this," I begin, knowing where this is going. "But i think Maria is right."

"Of course I'm right!" Maria celebrates. "Wait, what am I right about?"

"I may or may not like Mac," I admit.

"We already know that!" Naomi laughs.

"Now, where is he?" Maria looks around the gym for him.

"Why?" I ask, nervous for the answer.

"So I can let him know that if he hurts you, I'll be putting my fist into his face!" Maria answers happily.

I laugh and roll my eyes. That sounds exactly what my dad would say. But if Mac does do something wrong, I'm a little scared about what Maria might do to him.

A/N: What's up guys! Just wanted to let you know this book will be coming to a close soon, but i do have plans for a Sequel! Its called 'Regenerated'. It's going to be placed New Moon. I want to thank you for reading this far. Don't be afraid to comment and vote!

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