4.More like Alfie Dreams...

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We all sat on the swings or on the floor around it as Matt pushed Darcey and we talked and laughed and had a great time. I really like Tanya and Jim, they are lovely people.

We were making our way back when I almost fell over until a pair of strong arms caught me from behind it was Alfie.

"Oops" I said, oh well done Zoe try not hurt yourself.

"So how is Miss Zoella then?" Alfie asked.

"Um, good thanks, what about you?"

"Oh I'm great!" he jumped onto a low wall and started walking along it.

"Showing off to your girlfriend then Alfie" Marcus laughed.

Alfie jumped down and frowned embarrassed "She's not my girlfriend" he hid is face but I could still see his red cheeks.

"I'm not his girlfriend" I said shaking my head and Marcus just laughed and ran ahead to make Chai jump.

We didn't say anything else until we got to Louise's. He sat beside me on the sofa while we all ordered pizza and watched a love movie saying as it was almost Valentine's day. Darcey was in bed and everyone was falling asleep as it was late.

"Well Zoe and Alfie could take the sofa saying as they are already there" Chai said as Alfie rolled his eyes and Marcus

laughed. So it did end me and Alfie on the sofa and we decided to watch the sequel to the movie were watching.

Our arms were touching on Louise's tiny sofa as the movie played. It wasn't a very good movie to be honest and I looked up to see if Alfie was "enjoying" it as much as I was to fin that he was already looking at me. He looked away with blushed cheeks back to the screen, I thought it was quite cute, okay it was frickine adorable. I didn't really pay any attention after that and felt myself drifting off into a dream filled sleep...

I dreamt that I was in a maze looking for Alfie and I couldn't find him. I was just running and running for hours until finally I saw him. I ran faster and faster dripping with sweat up to him ready to hug him until he suddenly turned into Wilf.

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