18. My Sleeping Beauty

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I just stared at the blank ceiling for two hours.

All I could imagine was Zoe lying alone with no one to hold her hand or stroke her hair. Why did I not stay with her at the party? Then I could have protected her from that psyco.

"Anyone here for Zoe Sugg?" a doctor came around the corner. Joe and I stood up.

"Okay, if you can come this way please" he said and Joe, Louise and I got up to follow him. We came to a private room and stood outside the door.

"Now she has lost a lot of blood, the glass went very deep and we suspect she fell on the side of the injury making it worse and causing a lot of internal bleeding. She is very weak and tired but if she wakes up you and your other friends can talk to her. But only you three while she is asleep." the doctor said.

We stepped into the little room and on the bed in a tangle of wires and tubes, was Zoe, she had tubes coming from her sides and a mask over her face. It scared me to see it because she looked so fragile, it broke my heart.

Joe walked over to her and held her hand, he was trying to hold back the tears. Louise burst into tears and I put my arm around her shoulder. I just stared at the most beautiful, amazing girl I knew who was now slipping away from me and it didn't seem real.

Two hours later she fluttered her petit eyelids and woke up. I hastily pulled a chair up beside her bed and grasped her hand.

"Alfie?" she said, confused, "Joe?"

"Thank God you are awake Zo." Joe said he looked so relieved. She started to cry and I could tell she was confused.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're safe now, you and Louise are safe now" I stroked her hair and tried to stop her panicking because it wouldn't be helpful right now.

Louise slipped out of the room and came back with our friends; Caspar, Jim, Tanya, Tyler, Troye, Joey, Marcus, Niomi, Finn and even Jack.

I pulled up Zoe's oxygen mask carefully and I softly kissed her lips, I was so glad she was okay.

Well at least I hoped she was..

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