Protecting Innocents While Walking Blind

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HEY Everybody this is Carpboy009 HERE!

Now if you all read the title and the description then you know what this is, this is a halo/star wars crossover. Because i feel like i haven't done star wars enough justice with one crossover i wrote years ago and is just editing right now.

SO instead i decided to write an actual story involving the popular crossover trend.

But you know what i have yet to see? A story where the greatest halo character (In my opinion) has not once made a single appearance. So i decided to make a story based on him and his affect on the clone wars.

So now i'll present to you the first ever Star wars/ Halo crossover with a story based on the (Once again my opinion) Greatest soldier ever.

This is a fanfiction, BUY THE MERCHENDICE!

"I'm getting you out of here." The amored soldier known as the Master Chief said. His voice was determined but The marine knew it wasn't worth it.

"No... No your not." He said. He grabbed the Chief's hand and the both grabbed each other firm. True brothers in arms. "Don't let her go... Don't ever... Let her go..." He ordered more than told him. The soldier could feel all the pain grow unbarable. He could think back to the entire situation they were in. The plan to blow up the ring and take out the Arc while all friendly troops left. They did it too but that damn light bulb had to loose it last minute. But suddenly a thought. When he died there'd be nothing left of him to bury. This entire place was going to explode... And somehow he was alright with that. "Send me out... With a bang..." And with that the soldier laid his head down as his final breath was drawn. The last thing the man saw was the Chief sprinting out of the room as he slid off the platform that was starting to fall apart. He felt his body go weightless as he closed his eyes for the final time.

This was the death of Sargent Major Johnson. The greatest soldier to possible ever live. At least that is what the official UNSC records claim. That he's dead. What they don't know is that the Sargent is well alive... Just in a galaxy far far away...

Vision was slowly coming back to him as he started to feel his eyes move and his lungs take in that sweet air. Suddenly there was something wrong... Very very wrong. His mind had made the connection that he was alive. The last thing he remembered... Well... He couldn't really remember but he knew he was dying but now he's alive. That's not... What was supposed to happen... But what was. Okay... Who was he... Johnson... Sargent Johnson of the UNSC... Yeah that's right but... "Where the hell am i?" He said out loud. His vision cleared up more and he could see he was in some kind of dark room with a small window... Or hole in the wall he wasn't sure. He looked over and a wooden table with a magnum, HIS Magnum, and a hat. He instantly recognized it was his Sargent major ranking hat from the UNSC. Under that was his armor. The classic green UNSC armor plating that all marines wore. He made the connection and looked down at his body. He still wore his pants (minus the plating) and boots but his torso was left exposed with bandages wrapped around his left side. He carefully lifted his arm to feel it but was surprised to feel his left side all numbed down. "Ugh... How did... Where am i?" he asked again to himself.

His vision cleared more and he could now see his surroundings better. He was in some small room with more than one hole as a window. The room was round and small. He was laying on the floor with different jars and other items laying about. He was about to move again but suddenly the door in the room opened and his vision was suddenly blinded by the light of the outside. He used his hand to cover the light but could barely make out a figure. "Ah, your awake. I was beginnin to think you'd still be asleep for a long time." The voice said. It sounded almost like late Earth Irish in accent. He could see the outline and blured figure get closer but as it did Johnson noticed the figure had... A tail... What?

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