Chapter 3 - A simple conversation

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When Catelyn and Eddard Stark told their children that the King rides for North, it didn't take long for Aurelia to realize why he's doing that

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When Catelyn and Eddard Stark told their children that the King rides for North, it didn't take long for Aurelia to realize why he's doing that. If he he's heading that far, there would only be one thing he's after. With the former Hand of the King dead, the King would be looking for a new one. Everyone had no reaction when they heard the news. Well, everyone except Sansa. She seemed to be ecstatic at the prospect of meeting the entire Royal party, and none other than Prince Joffrey, the heir to the Iron Throne. Sometimes Aurelia wonder how there's so much South in her, yet Arya is the complete opposite. Though she shouldn't look to far. Despite her and Robb being twins, their appearance were very different. Robb got their mother Tully auburn hair with curls and blue eyes, while Aurelia had a deep shade of brown hair that passes off her shoulders. Her hair was silky smooth and straight, and her eyes matched the color of her hair.

Septa Mordane told her everything she needed to know about the Royal Family. King Robert is married to Queen Cersei of House Lannister, and they have three children; two boys and one girl. The Queen has two brothers, her twin was Jaime Lannister or whom everyone commonly calls 'Kingslayer' since he killed the Mad King. Her other brother was Tyrion Lannister the Imp. Aurelia's never met the Lannister's, but even then, her father once told her that Lannister's were not to be trusted and that they were a dangerous and powerful house. Aurelia can't help but judge them all before even knowing them. It was wrong, but Aurelia can't help it. She has no respect for the Lannister's at all.

The only thing Aurelia knows about King Robert was that he used to be betrothed to her aunt Lyanna, before she was kidnapped. That sparked Robert's rebellion, both him and Ned rode South to fight against the throne in order to get Lyanna back. Despite King Robert killing Rhaegar and with the Mad King, they weren't able to save Lyanna in time. They say she was raped and killed by the Dragon Prince, and just like everyone else, Aurelia believed that to be true.

Aurelia was walking towards the Godswood to look for her father. It has been a few hours after Winterfell was informed about the King's arrival, and Aurelia saw a different side to her home that she's never been before. The Godswood was the most beautiful place in Winterfell, at least according to Aurelia it is. Catelyn rarely goes to the Godswood unless she has to. Since she's from the South, she doesn't believe in the Old Gods, but respected her husband's faith nonetheless. The Stark children grew up with the fait of both the Old Gods and the New. Aurelia wouldn't say she has a strong faith, but she prays here and there when she needs to.

Aurelia can always find her father here. He goes to the Godswood to pass the time, or whenever he has a lot in his mind. The Godswood was similar to the hills that Aurelia goes to whenever she needed to be alone. The hills is Aurelia's sanctuary, and the Godswood was Ned's.

The humus in the ground silences the sound of Aurelia's footsteps as she arrived at the Godswood. She saw her father sitting on a moss covered stone by a small pond. Behind him stood the great old weirwood tree. The tree's bark was white with dark red leaves. A face was carved upon the heart of the tree, and it was thought to have been carved by the Children of the Forest. The weirwood was as ancient as the history of Westeros.

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