Chapter 15 - A small present

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It was well after dinner, when all of the Starks retreated to their private chambers for the day. The younger ones would surely be asleep already. Throughout dinner, Aurelia felt like she was being watched over by a group of hawks. Ned and Catelyn were analyzing all of Aurelia's action to figure out how she's feeling. She has express disinterest of the Wedding numerous times, however for the past few days, it seems as if she's accepted what was about to happen. They did not want for their daughter to feel trapped or caged in a place where she has always been encouraged to be herself.

Aurelia found herself watching the moors of Winterfell from the comfort of her window seat inside her own chambers. The wind rushed in, but it complimented the rising surrounding heat from the lit fireplace. She was wearing a long-sleeved night-gown, having changed from dinner. Her hand was fidgeting with the lace decorating the neckline of the gown, as her head went elsewhere. Even after the long bath and the dinner, her mind continues to remind her of the encounter early in the afternoon with the Prince.

It did not bother Aurelia that she was not able to prove Joffrey wrong. In fact, it was the way he said those three words..."I'll make her". She remembered the tone he was using. Joffrey would have taunted Aurelia even more if she had not obeyed, and would have done far worse things had she win or perhaps did not shoot at all. She had told her parents about it, and although they were very much taken aback over the entire situation and at the Prince's behavior, they told Aurelia she had done the right thing. Aurelia knew she was safe as long as she doesn't have to be alone with Joffrey.

The knock from the door brought her out of her thoughts. Before she could wonder who would visit at her at this hour, -especially during the night before her wedding- a sound came from the other side.

"It's your father." Ned said,

"Come in." Aurelia replied, as the wooden door open to reveal Ned Stark. He was still wearing his clothes from dinner, which meant that he had not gone back to his own chambers to rest. "Could he not sleep as well?" Aurelia thought to herself.

Her father went on to sit across from her by the window. She noticed the wrapped-up cloth he was holding in his hands, but knew better than to ask him. She was going to savor this moment she has with him.

"How are you feeling?" Ned asked him with genuine concern laced in his voice.

"Nervous. Mother says it's normal." Aurelia told her, and she tried very hard to mask the fear in her voice.

"It is." Ned agreed with her. He seemed uneasy; as if he's trying to say something but is unsure how to. "Everyone should be nervous. Those who are not, is probably unknown to the entire spectrum of the human emotion." He joked, earning a small laugh from Aurelia. Something he had not seen for some time.

"It's quite strange actually." Aurelia stated, and Ned furrowed his eyebrows.

"What is?"

"I am to marry a man who is going to be in my life for the rest of it, and I barely even know him. He glances at me here and then, but we never even had a real conversation, besides talking about the betrothal." Aurelia explained to him.

"Listen, I never knew your mother until after I married her. Our whole marriage was not suppose to happen from the beginning, but it did and look at where we are now. Along the way, I began to know your mother. Each day brought on a new realization, and I love your mother even more. Especially after she gave me all five of you beautiful children." Ned told his daughter, as he bopped Aurelia's nose, resting the palm of his hand on Aurelia's cheek. He leaned himself closer to her, and placed gentle kiss on her forehead.

"What if I do not? What if Jaime is the type of husband who cares not about his wife? Who goes on about his days doing his duties, and neglecting me. What if my husband...continues to be a stranger, even when I have children?" Aurelia expressed her worries, even though she should not be having any. Aurelia's heard stories about husbands beating their wives out of rage. She has also heard how some lived in separate chambers, and could survive one day without even uttering a single word. Some do not even see their wife unless need be. She does not want her life to turn out that way.

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