Chapter 38 . News from Kings Landing

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     They had been on the road for a couple of days, making their way towards Riverrun. Jaime had left the camp with stronger numbers than when he arrived, while Tywin was left behind with a small remainder of the Lannister men. Neither of them had spoken about that night, as Aurelia resorted back to not speaking with Jaime as soon as she heard that Tywin's plans to siege Riverrun was still underway, and Jaime has accepted to carry it out. Every moment passed in that camp felt similar to that of a prison. A soldier stood guard outside their tent unless Jaime enters, and there was nowhere she could go where the prying eyes of her husband's house does not follow her. Aurelia truly thought that Jaime would call of the attack, and allowed her the time to contact her mother in any way she can, or to at least enter Riverrun peacefully; but that is not what happened.

     She remembered that day outside Littlefinger's brothel as clear as day. The moment Ned told her that Catelyn had taken Tyrion Lannister under his command, it was as if Aurelia's brain stopped working and she tried to wonder why he would do such a thing, and how her mother could have acted upon it. It was unlike her father to capture another man; and a nobleman at that. The risks were too high, and Ned Stark was the last person she knew who wanted to start a war. Even her mother would never agree on kidnapping an innocent man; unless Tyrion truly is not as innocent as the Lannister's claims him to be. Though Aurelia cannot think of a crime he had committed that would send her parents into such a reckless act. She cannot even fathom why her mother was in the South in the first place. The last thing she knew was that she was in Winterfell, helping Robb in his duties as Lord. For her to venture so far from home was a mystery itself.

     Jaime Lannister knew just the same about her brother's capture. The only information worth knowing to him was that Catelyn Stark took his brother as prisoner, and that was all he needed to put himself on battle and do whatever it takes to ensure Tyrion's safe return. Aurelia asked him numerously about the matter, but Jaime had not heard of any news. He was in the dark as well about Catelyn Stark's motive.

     Aurelia had been doing quite some thinking ever since she left Kings Landing. She has not heard any recent news about her father other than the fact that he was recovering from his leg wound, and has resumed his position as Hand of the King; the same position he once resigned the day everything changed. She was still holding onto his promise that he'll come for her. Once he had enough strength, Ned will save her; tell her that everything will return to as it was before. She only hopes that her father would come to her rescue before Jaime arrives at Riverrun.

     Her mind would always falter to the two sisters she left behind. She wondered if they knew the truth as to why Aurelia was not with them, or if Ned told them something else because he knew that the truth was too complicated for them to comprehend. Even Aurelia herself does not completely understand the situation. Besides, the less they knew; the better. If she could, she would have gone back to at least say goodbye. She can't even remember what was the last thing they talked about. The only comfort she held was that at least Sansa and Arya were with their father other than with her. They were safer there than they would ever be wherever Aurelia is.

     Then she thought about Jon Snow; Jon, who was the furthest from the rest of her siblings. She has not heard a single word of him ever since they left Winterfell months ago. Aurelia wanted to know if Jon was enjoying his time at the Wall, or if he longed for home just as much as she is. She has no doubt that Jon would quickly rise up to the ranks as a Ranger, but she also wondered if there was a slightest moment where he wished he was back in the courtyards of Winterfell, spending his time with Robb and Aurelia. Jon was always the different one than the rest of the Stark children, and with him being a Snow only made himself more out of place. He may not share the same mother as Aurelia, but she still loved him so. Jon was her brother, and that can never change.

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