Chapter 19 - Tearful Goodbyes

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Aurelia decided to spend the last few hours she had in the Godswood. She thought of going to Bran's to see how he was doing, but Aurelia can't bear to see her mother in such a way. She stood there by the edge of the door, peering inside the room, but her feet did not move at all. Time went by for a couple of minutes, before Aurelia stormed out of the castle and into the Godswood. Before this, Aurelia had already planned what she was to do the day she has to leave. She would talk with Robb and Jon, check up on her sisters, and to see if Bran had finished packing or not. Then she would turn back to see her mother and her brothers for the last time, before she rides out of Winterfell. Seems as if the Gods have different plans set in motion for her.

She basked in the quietness and peacefulness of being alone for a while. When else is she going to see a more beautiful Godswood than the one at home? They say there is a Godswood in Kings Landing, though Aurelia was skeptical it could even be called that. The weirwood trees were burned down in the South, with  the Southerners placing their faith in the New Gods. Whereas in the North, every castle has its Weirwood Tree firmly planted thousands of years ago. The fable that the Children of the Forest carved the faces on its thick white bark were the stories the Stark children heard before their night's sleep.

Sitting down on a log in front of the heart tree, Aurelia clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. She prayed for a safe and smooth travel to King's Landing, with no problems arising along the road. Lastly, she prayed for the Gods to give the strength Bran needed to regain back his consciousness. Aurelia was still not entirely convinced that Bran fell from a tower for the mere reason that he slipped. She had seen Bran climb a thousand times in the wind and the rain, and never once did he fell.

Aurelia stayed in the Godswood longer than she thought. It was now a place of escape for her as the rolling hills by the Wolfswood were out of reach. She was happy though that she was able to see it one last time with Robb two days ago. She did not want to admit that she was trying to run away from Jaime, not wanting to talk about their argument the night before. She was still angry at him, but she wasn't as angry as she thought she would be, which confused her.

Wiping a tear away from her cheek, her body stiffened upon hearing the sound of ruffling leaves. Aurelia had hoped that it was her father coming to find her. She grabbed the skirts of her dress draping over her legs to the ground below, turning around to see that it wasn't Ned, nor anyone else she suspected to be. Aurelia hid the surprise on her face when she saw Jaime standing a couple of meters away from her. He wasn't wearing his Kingsguard armor. Instead in its place, is a golden leather garb with his sword strapped to the sling around his waist. Jaime was the last person she wished to see, and yet here he is standing across from her.

"What are you doing here?" Aurelia asked him,

"I was merely concerned about your state. I could not find you at our chambers, nor the stables, and none of your brothers have seen you. The Godswood seems to be the only place left." Jaime replied, taking a few steps closer to her.

"Why do you care? You don't know me, and you certainly don't care about my family. The only thing you care about is yourself." Aurelia scoffed, not regretting a single word she said.

"I do know the feeling of when a sibling is ill. I would be worried myself whenever Tyrion or Cersei fell sick." Jaime explained to her, not taking offense with what she said before.

"Bran is comatose, not ill. Although there is a fighting chance he'll live, there's also a chance he won't. He might not wake up, Jaime. Please, just don't pretend that you care, because I know you don't." Aurelia told him bitterly, and Jaime didn't know what else to say. Taking his silence as a respond, she immediately walk away from him because she can't stand looking at him right now.

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