Chapter 22 - Kings Landing

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The Red Keep was dauntingly beautiful as Aurelia looked upon it with her own two eyes. The words she read in the books given by Maester Luwin to describe the castle, did no justice to the Red Keep. Its long towers touched the blue sky above. The size of the castle intimidated Aurelia, and she shuddered just by seeing it. It was unbelievably large. Aurelia thought that the entire population of Winterfell could be accommodated inside the castle.

Other than the Red Keep, she took notice of the hot climate in the Capital. Her gowns were made of lighter material, which felt strange on Aurelia's body as she was accustomed to the thick gowns the Northern weather forced her to wear, not that she was complaining. She wondered how could anyone stand the scorching heat.

She chose to sit on a carriage the remainder of the journey, as her thighs were still sore from days before. Seeing as Jaime had his duties in the Kingsguard, Aurelia sat on an open carriage with her sisters and Septa Mordane. The common folk surrounded the entrance as the Royal party entered Kings Landing. A sea of Stark and Lannister men rode towards the Towers Hand, where Ned, Sansa, and Arya would live in. Whereas for Aurelia, she would live in another tower, sharing a private chamber with Jaime.

The two had agreed that Aurelia would not be followed every second, but the Lannister guards had to ride with her as it was custom of any Lannister wife. Ned didn't quite sit well with it, but he didn't disagree as the ensuing argument would be pointless.

Ned came to a halt when they reached their destination, and the rest followed suit. Ned mounted off her horse, as a Royal Steward walked towards him the second they arrived.

"Welcome, Lord Stark." The steward greeted, "Grand Maester Pycelle has called a meeting of the Small Council. The honor of your presence is required."

"Get the girls settled in. I'll be back in time for supper." Ned told Septa Mordane, as his attention diverted towards Aurelia. He had forgotten that Aurelia would be living separately than the rest. "Aurelia, you'll join us as well. I'll tell Ser Jaime myself." He told his daughter, and Aurelia didn't say anything back. She would rather have supper with her family than her husband. Although they promised to make their relationship better, it was hard to ignore the awkwardness between them, especially after the incident at the Inn.

"Jory, go with Aurelia." Ned ordered his most trusted guard to look over his eldest daughter. She didn't argue as well, since she was afraid to be alone with people she doesn't know in a place she has never step foot upon.

"Yes, my Lord." Jory obeyed,

"If you'd like to change into something more appropriate..." The servant offered, taking note of the clothes that Lord Eddard Stark was wearing. Ned didn't respond, instead he stared sternly at him while taking his leather gloves off. The steward, knowing not to say anything else, turned around to lead Ned the way.

Aurelia got off the carriage, admiring the architecture of the tower as a different servant appeared. She was a handmaiden, wearing a light material gown similar to the style of Cersei's handmaidens. The handmaiden greeted her with her title, saying 'Lady Lannister' instead of 'Lady Aurelia'. The name sounded unfamiliar to her, feeling odd hearing it.

"I am to escort you to your chambers, my Lady." The handmaiden announced, and Aurelia turned aside to see the Lannister men carrying her trunks. She really was in the Lion's den by now.

Aurelia gave the handmaiden a curt nod. She was not in the dire mood to speak other than to those she knows. It might come off rude, but Aurelia was only afraid. Since Ned reminded her not to easily trust anyone, she was going to abide her father's words.

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