Chapter 24 - Revelations

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     The letter had informed Aurelia about Bran's recovery. The small boy was awake, however he could not remember what happened that caused him to fall in the first place. Then came the worst news of all written by Robb at the end of his letter; Bran was not able to walk. The fall took the use of Bran's legs, crippling him forever.

    Aurelia took off since the morning, and Jaime has not seen her ever since. He stood guard in front of the King's bedchambers, with Aurelia still in his thought. From the beginning, Jaime thought that Bran was only a reckless child, who slipped and fell to the ground. Some in Winterfell believed that, and some wanted too. They say that Bran has climbed a thousand times, and never once did he fell. Then came the morning of their departure, and Jaime still remembered the expression on Cersei's face when Tyrion informed them that the boy has a fighting chance of waking up. Jaime cannot help but think that Cersei is somehow involved in the child's fall; even to the point where he theorized that Bran did not fall, but rather he was pushed. But for Cersei to even do that was beneath her, and for whatever reason he did not know. Jaime simply disregarded the whole thing, but the thought reappeared once he read Aurelia's letter.

    The sun was beginning to set, and news of Bran's recovery reached everyone in the Red Keep. Ned Stark was nowhere to be seen as well, since he left the castle with Littlefinger this afternoon. After being relieved of his duty earlier than usual, Jaime head to Cersei's chambers before looking for Aurelia. He needed to sort his own thoughts out, and his sister was the only one who can give him the answer he seeks. Little did he know, Cersei was seeing someone else on his way there.

    "Why has it taken you so long to get here?" Cersei angrily asked at the other golden haired Lannister standing across from her. He looked at her confusingly, unsure as to why she was getting crossed over their little accident back in Winterfell.

    It was Lancel Lannister: the King's squire whose main job is serve wine to Robert. He was the person Cersei is currently sleeping with, and another one of Cersei's male escorts to use when she gets bored. Since Jaime is no longer warming her bed, Cersei had to made do and fulfill her own needs. Lancel was the best choice as Cersei believes him to be weak, easy to manipulate, loyal to the Lannister name, and he looked like a younger Jaime back in their youth. She would sometimes pretend that she's making love with Jaime when in fact it's Lancel. Cersei used their affair as a weapon to get what she needs. She's positive that Lancel would do anything she asks of him.

    "Calm down." He told her, but that only raged Cersei even more.

    "Calm down?" Cersei shouted, "The boy is awake, he could have said something! What were you thinking when you told me to push the boy?" She questioned him restlessly, talking about Bran Stark.

    "I was thinking of us, and you weren't exactly complaining that day either." He replied all calm, whereas Cersei was afraid as hell. If Bran had told anyone about what he saw that resulted in him getting pushed off the tower, it would be the end of Cersei Lannister, her children, and Jaime himself. Lancel could easily object that their children was not his, and it won't be long until someone figures the truth and rightly accuse Jaime.

    "What if he remembered? If he tells his father what he saw..." Cersei continued to scold Lancel, even though it was her who told Lancel to push the boy in the first place.

    "Except he did not! If he did we wouldn't be standing here right now." Lancel interjected, trying to reassure Cersei that no one will find out about their affair. "Come, let me take those worries of you." He offered to make love to her, stretching out his hand to cup her face, but Cersei pushed him away.   

    "Go away." Cersei ordered him, and Lancel took a couple of steps backwards out of surprise. He thought that he could calm her down. "Go!" She shouted, getting impatient that the Lannister was still standing and staring at her. When Cersei shouted for the second time, only then did Lancel hastily left her chambers.

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