Chapter 7 - The Feast

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One of the many talents Sansa has are making dresses. She is quite phenomenal at it, and she enjoys it as well. Mostly she makes dresses for her mother and Aurelia. Sansa would never make one for Arya, and even if she wanted to, Arya would throw it away where it will never see the light of day again. However, Catelyn managed to convince Arya to wear a formal dress for the feast. Everyone is to look their best. They are after all hosting Royal guests.

Sansa made Aurelia a dress specifically for the feast, making Aurelia touched at Sansa's gesture. When she saw the dress for the first time, it was beautiful and suit the North perfectly. Its color was a dark shade of white - almost light grey - with a beading of flowers on the neckline. The dress has a long sleeve, and it hugged Aurelia's figure perfectly.

One thing she did not change was the style of her hair. It has been the same since this morning, which are just two strands of braid from the edge of her face pushed back and secured with a pin. She let the rest of her hair down. Once Aurelia felt that she looked well enough for the feast, she immediately walked out of the room and into the great hall.

The moon was particularly bright today, and it illuminated the entire Winterfell. Making her way to the great hall, Aurelia could hear the loud noises coming from inside. When she entered a room, she didn't feel as satisfied as she thought she would be that everyone was enjoying the feast. It seems the entire hall was filled with drunken men, soldiers, knights, and lords. It was too loud to Aurelia's dislike.

The King was fondling and kissing a serving wench right in the middle of the room where everybody could see them. He was obviously drunk, and acted as if he had no single care in the world. Aurelia wondered how a man like him could be a King. She saw Prince Joffrey sitting by the corner of a table, glancing at Sansa with a smirk. Then she saw her mother sitting beside the Queen atop a small platform, just behind the Stark's table. The Queen didn't seem too pleased to be here. Aurelia would have felt the same if her husband were humiliating her in such a way, especially with an audience.

Aurelia walked towards the Stark's table where all of her siblings were eating - all except Jon of course. Catelyn said that it would be an insult to seat a bastard amidst the Queen. Aurelia always hated her mother's cold behavior towards Jon. He didn't deserve to be treated in such a way. Jon never knew his mother and he never had one. Catelyn could have been his mother if she wanted to, but she doesn't and she's made that quite clear ever since Jon was a babe.

Clearing her thoughts, Aurelia seated herself next to Robb who was already eating his dinner.

"You look very beautiful, as always." Robb complimented her sister, and she can't help but smile. She's managed to destroy every trace of her crying.

"Well you don't look so bad yourself." Aurelia told him, and a servant brought her a plate filled with food. She started to eat and chatted away with Robb.

It was about an hour to the feast and every one of the family member has arrived. Sansa was sitting beside Jeyne Pool, whom happens to be her best friend. Arya was enjoying herself. Bran and Rickon were playing with two of the Queen's youngest children, Tommen and Myrcella. Aurelia and Robb were talking with Theon. Although Aurelia may not be close to Theon, she feels safe whenever she's around Robb. With her brother around, Theon wouldn't do anything foolish.

"Is it just me or has the Prince never stopped looking at Sansa ever since I arrived?" Aurelia asked Robb,

"He already started before you even got here, and Sansa seems to enjoy the attention." Robb pointed out, and nudged Aurelia to look at Sansa giggling away with her blushed cheeks whenever she returns Joffrey's 'romantic' glance. "He's not the only one looking at my sister." Robb added, causing Aurelia to turn her attention back to Robb.

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