Chapter 28 - Iron Throne and Wolves

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    The Iron Throne stood defiantly at the end of the Great Hall. The seat built by Aegon the Conquerer, composed of hundreds of swords melted by the fiery breath of his dragon, Balerion the Black Dread. It was a formidable object more than it was beautiful. Pillars align each side of the room, decorated by vine designs. There were tainted glass windows on the left side that provided light into the hall. The throne sat atop a dais of black stone, with a small flight of stairs by the end.

    Aurelia did not know what crossed her mind when she entered the exceedingly large room. It was her first time seeing the place, remembering every single lesson she learned about the seat of the King, and what events transpired in this very room. She stood by the gallery on the right side of the hall, her eyes focused on the Iron Throne as her mind travelled elsewhere. It bewildered her how time comes and goes, yet the Iron Throne continued to stand tall with no debris or a single scratch.

    The Targaryens were the only family who sat upon it before Robert's Rebellion. Aurelia feared speaking about them in Winterfell, as it was a Targaryen who kidnapped and raped Lyanna Stark and found to be dying in Ned's arms. She was not going to say the name of the person responsible for her Aunt's demise. In the present time, a Baratheon sits on the Iron Throne and ruled over the Seven Kingdoms. The blood of the Royal Family has changed, as Robert Baratheon's rule brought an end to the Targaryen Dynasty.

    Aurelia cannot help but wonder how things would differ if none of that happened; if Rhaegar had not chose Lyanna and fled the Capital with her in tow. If the Mad King would still rule Westeros, or perhaps the title will now be passed down to Rhaegar Targaryen with Elia Martell as his Queen. Would there be peace among the country, or would a different war lay waste on them? They would have stayed in Winterfell, never reaching Kings Landing. The betrothal between Aurelia and Jaime would cease to exist, because Aurelia may never been born. Catelyn would marry Brandon Stark instead, and Ned would marry some other highborn lady. Lyanna would still be breathing air this very moment, taking care of her own family. Numerous speculations roam around Aurelia's mind, knowing that none of that would come to light. It was crazy how one single choice can alter everyone's fate.

    Ned appeared inside the Great Hall looking startled at the sight of his eldest daughter watching the Iron Throne all alone. He was passing through the room on his way to the gardens in order to meet with Littlefinger. This was the place Ned least expected Aurelia to be. He had meant to talk to Aurelia about the Lannisters, thought he couldn't seem to find the time.

    "Aurelia," Ned called out her daughter's name. She finally turned around and saw her father walking towards her. She was so lost in thought that she hadn't heard anyone coming in. He ended up in the gallery, standing beside Aurelia as her gaze returned the Iron Throne. Ned glanced at it for a second before looking at his daughter. She didn't smile nor greeted him in return, like she always does when she sees her father.

    "They died here didn't they? Uncle Brandon and grandfather?" Aurelia asked, and Ned was taken aback at her question. Not once had ever asked him about what happened to their family during Robert's Rebellion. She knew that they had died, but never asked too much about it. He paused for a moment, finding the words to reply her.

    "You know the answer to that question." Ned responded in return,

    "But why? Why were they killed?" Aurelia questioned, and Ned was surprised that Aurelia wanted to know the truth so eagerly all of a sudden. He couldn't answer that question because he didn't for her daughter to know the truth. When the time comes, Ned will tell her, but not now.

    Knowing that her father wouldn't answer her, Aurelia let out a deep sigh to try and calm herself down. She had no idea what went through her for her to ask such a thing, despite knowing that her father would not answer it. Ned stiffened afterwards, afraid that something horrid happened to Aurelia, and she was hiding it. He was aware of Aurelia's actions when problems arise. She would hid it away and try to handle it on her own, instead of expressing it to her parents who was there to help no matter what.

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