Chapter 37 . Oathbreaker

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     All Jaime could hear was the sound of his knife and fork touching the plate. The squires had prepared dinner for the him and Aurelia, as soon as the sun disappeared. They were sitting inside their shared tents, with Aurelia being too afraid to stay in a separate one. She had no desire of being left alone the entire night. This place terrified her more than Kings Landing. It was because she was the only one different, and Aurelia felt it the moment she arrived.

     Back in the Capital, she had her father and sisters with her. Even if they were surrounded by lions, Aurelia relied on her father and his men to protect her. However, this time she has no father to promise her that she'll see the sun when it rises the next day; no mother to brush her hair and sing her a lullaby, and no Robb to stay with her throughout the night. The only person she can trust is her own.

Aurelia always loved reminding her family that she can protect herself, but that was a different time. A time where she was confident because she had never felt frightened before; but now she does.

     It was a terribly silent dinner. Aurelia continued to fiddle with her food ever since it was served, while Jaime continued to look upon his wife as he ate. She had not look up to meet him in the eye, and it did irritate Jaime. She could play this game as long as she liked, but Jaime could not any longer.

     "I can ask the squire to prepare you something else if you do not wish to eat that food." Jaime said, his finger pointing to the untouched meal on her plate. Aurelia chose not to respond, which did not surprise him the slightest. Instead, she continued on playing with her food with her head facing down. Jaime let out a deep sigh, placing down his knife and fork and grabbing a white cloth to wipe his mouth clean. "You haven't eaten in days, you won't speak to me, you won't even look at me in the eye and you...this is stupid, Aurelia."

     "Stupid?" Aurelia finally broke her silence, as she looked up at her husband. "You're the one who is about to storm my mother's home!"

     "And you were the one who foolishly tried to talk my father out of his plans. You should know better than that. My father's mind is fixed, and nobody can change it; and surely not you." Jaime argued in return,

     "Well, I was trying to solve this matter peacefully seeing as no one in this place wants to. I had to do what I could to protect my family." Aurelia explained her reasons. It was not her proudest moment going against Tywin Lannister however, she had to do something at that time.

     "My father sees you as a Lannister now. He expects nothing less than that." Jaime told her, but Aurelia could hardly care about what Tywin thinks.

     "And what do you expect? You seriously think I would oblige to every word you tell me to do? I will not sit idly while your father shares his battleplans on how to best attack Riverrun. Have you forgotten that they're my family too?" Aurelia questioned him, as she raised her voice higher. She had risen up from her seat, the palm of her hands resting against the table.

     "I'm your family now. You married me, and I remember your father accepting the betrothal willingly. I put a cloak over your shoulders with him as a witness. You are part of House Lannister, and I suggest you learn to accept it. What would the people think if you betray your house by supporting your family? You can't choose both." Jaime told her, as he begins to stand up from the table and walked near the edge of their bed.

     "The only house I will be betraying is my own if I do nothing when you attack mine. I will not stay silent while those who wish to see our house burn down try to do exactly that. If you're asking me to choose, then I will choose my family. I will always choose them." Aurelia defended herself, while Jaime still had his back facing her. Silence befall the tent once more as both of them thought about how much this situation has put such a strain in their relationship; if it could even be called that.

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