Chapter 12 - One Bastard and One Trueborn

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The air was serene and peaceful

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The air was serene and peaceful. Aurelia could hear the sounds of nature like music to her ears. Winterfell became to that of a  busy market now, due to the amount of people that came with the Royal Party. Since she's not allowed to venture outside the walls of Winterfell with the King visiting and all, the only sanctuary she has is the Godswood. Sansa and Arya were with their Septa Mordane, along with the Princess Myrcella. Robb had gone with their father to join the hunt, and thankfully Ser Jaime went as well.

Aurelia sat atop a small rock in front of the weirwood tree. It was particularly bright today, so the sun shone through the thick branches and red leaves. The people who says the North isn't beautiful has surely never opened their eyes. There is nowhere else Aurelia would rather live. She would miss visiting the Godswood everyday once she rides South.

Once there, she prayed. She prayed for the Gods to give her the answer she needs. She prayed for the Gods to help her, and she prayed to the Gods that they are listening. Ned taught her that the Gods always does, and if they don't answer her prayers, it means that something better is waiting.

"Are you praying?" A voice asked from behind. Aurelia didn't have to turn around to see who it was. She grew up with that voice; she figured it out in an instant. It was Jon Snow.

"I was." Aurelia answered with her back still facing Jon. Her eyes never strayed from the Weirwood Tree. Jon was slowly making his way to her. "Are you going to?" She asked Jon in return.

"Later, perhaps." Jon replied her, "Right now I just want to stay right here." He continued to say whilst sitting down atop the rock situated beside Aurelia.

"Have you seen Uncle Benjen?" Aurelia asked him, knowing that him and their uncle have a close relationship.

"I have. I talked to him as well...last night." Jon replied her though he was being cautious. Aurelia is in an emotional state right now and one wrong push can burst her.

"You're going to take the black aren't you?" Aurelia questioned him. It was what Jon always wanted ever since he knew who the Night's Watch were. Every time Uncle Benjen comes home, Jon would sit by his side and listen to his stories about the Wall. The stories fascinated him more than any of the Stark children.

"Are you mad?" Jon replied her with a question of his own. Aurelia can never be mad at Jon even if she wanted to. He told her once that all he ever wanted was to take the black and become a man of the Night's Watch. Jon would have to journey to the Wall and live there for the rest of his days.

Same like Uncle Benjen, Jon wanted to be a Ranger. Aurelia knew that Jon would become one of the best there is. The Night's Watch would be a better place with Jon.

"No." Aurelia said as she shook her head. "The Starks have mend the wall for thousand of years, why should you be any different?"

"I've asked Uncle Benjen to tell father. I know if he'd told him...he'll listen." Jon told her, and silence fell upon them both.

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