Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister

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     There was so much red in one place as far as Aurelia's eyesight can see

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     There was so much red in one place as far as Aurelia's eyesight can see. Lannister tents situated the vast green land by the borders of the Riverlands. Jaime had disregarded his usual golden leathered jack and cream colored breeches; instead donning the thick Lannister armor with a red cape clasped on its shoulder pads, and his breastplate adorned by the head of a lion. The outfit made him look increasingly attractive and dangerous at the same time, and more of a Lannister than he already is.

Aurelia dreaded for this day to come, hoping that Jaime would change his mind and bring hundreds of his men that he had brought from Kings Landing, back to either the Capital or Casterly Rock. But then again, returning to Kings Landing was out of reach as Ned Stark resumed his position as Hand, and Jaime would rather be very much apart from him. Despite never seeing the Rock; Jaime's childhood home was an even better option for Aurelia than meeting Tywin Lannister.

They walked side by side along the encampment, and Aurelia made sure that she stayed close to Jaime, no matter how insufferable he is to her as of the moment. She didn't feel particularly safe surrounded by Lannister men, despite being married to one. Jaime was the only one here she was certain would never physically hurt her.

Some of the soldiers were either eating or cooking their afternoon meal, training with other men, or sharpening their unused swords. There were squires rolling gallons of wine along the road. All of them stopped to watch as Aurelia and Jaime walked by them, making Aurelia exceedingly uncomfortable. She appears to be a fish out of water; the only Wolf amongst a group of Lions and all of the stares were making that apparent. Every single person in this siege knew that it was the mother of Jaime Lannister's wife who captured Tyrion, which is the reason as to why they were here to begin with.

Aurelia was in the most difficult situation anyone has ever been placed in. Her mother captures her brother-in-law, and her husband responded to that act by attacking her father, and now her husband's father is laying siege against her own grandfather as retribution. Aurelia could not figure out the reason as to why her mother would kidnap Tyrion and make him her prisoner; she was still trying to make sense of all that is happening. It was a reckless act, but Aurelia thought that her mother must have her reasons for it. She had to watch Jaime fight against her father, and now here she stands across the enemy lines in the eyes of the Tully's. She was just as much a Tully as she is a Stark, but now she cannot even help her mother's family.

A man was walking towards the couple. He appeared way older than Jaime given the wrinkles by the corner of his eyes, the lines around his forehead, the way his cheeks sagged, and his silver hair. Despite his age, he appears stoic and strong, especially with the armor he's wearing; similar to that of Jaime. Judging by his expression, Aurelia realized that Jaime must know this man.

"Jaime, it is good to see you after such a long time." The man greeted him with a warm smile as they shook hands.

"Uncle Kevan, it truly has been too long." Jaime said in return, and Aurelia's curiosity was answered. The man standing in front of her was Kevan Lannister; Tywin Lannister's younger brother.

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