Chapter 44 . King in the North

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     By then, the entirety of Westeros was informed of the death of Lord Eddard Stark. Everyone in camp mourned for him, even the soldiers who never met him before but admired him from afar. The other Northern Lords and Ladies even felt as if they lost their own family member once the tragic news reached their ears. He never even had the chance to set foot in camp but his absence was heavily felt.

     Aurelia spent the entire day resting in bed, crying her eyes out. She wanted to be left alone, even though she should be by her mother and brother's side for a shoulder to cry on. But she does not have the strength to hold herself up, how was she to help them do the same? Aurelia was filled with hatred and anger over her father's death, and the thought of vengeance was the only thing that barely held her together. It consumed her heart all the more.

     It was night once more and the camp quieter than ever. Robb opened the flap of Aurelia's tent to find her curled up on bed with her knees scrunched up against her chest. She turned her head up to find her twin standing with a solemn expression on his face. His red rimmed eyes were no longer visible, and Aurelia wondered what he did to cover his grief. Thoughts of their father plagued her mind more than ever, and she finds herself shedding one tear more than before.

     Robb slowly made his way to sit beside her, and Aurelia could not hold it in any longer. She flung herself at Robb, as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and brought her closer to him. Ever since they were children, the two felt responsible for taking care of their family, and none ever saw it as a burden. Robb and Aurelia deeply cared for everyone carrying the Stark name, and they made a promise to protect their younger siblings in any way they could; a promise they cannot seem to hold on this very moment.

     "I never did enjoy seeing you cry." Robb said as a way to relieve the sadness circulating them all, and he succeeded. Aurelia let out a small smile while ridding the tears from her cheeks away with her fingers.

"I miss him already." She said, after pulling away from Robb.

   "I do too." Robb said, and Aurelia could hear the tone in his voice. He was trying to be strong for everyone else, and she wished she had the strength to do the same. "But it does not do anyone good for us to wallow away. We are going to avenge him, and the only way to do that is if we win this war."

   "I don't know what to do, Robb." Aurelia revealed to him,

  "Well you can start by attending the war council. I appointed you a position there, and Ned Stark's daughter has every right to be there as the rest of the other Lords." Robb said,

   "I'm beginning to think perhaps I'm not qualified to be there." She expressed,

   "Nonsense. There is no other person whom advice I do not value more than yours." Robb told her, "Besides, you don't think I've forgotten, have you? All those lessons father taught me about politics and warfare, you were always in that room with me. You told father and mother that you are capable of learning anything in this world. Aurel, you are the smartest person I know. I need you there. We all need you."

   "Okay..." Aurelia nodded her head, "But I do not want to go in there alone."

   "Then come with me. You do not want to keep all the other Lords and Ladies waiting." Robb said, as he proceeded to stand up and offered his hand for Aurelia to take.

     When the two arrived, everyone else were already seated including their mother. All eyes were upon her as she walked beside Robb to his seat. The last time all eyes were glued on her was her wedding day; even the thought of that seemed absurd. Walking through the Lords and Ladies were apprehensive for Aurelia.

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