Chapter 13 - Banters and Arguments

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"A fortnight?! A FORTNIGHT?" Cersei's demeaning voice reverberated against the walls of Jaime's private chambers. The chambers in Winterfell were nothing in comparison to the ones in King's Landing. She could feel the rage rising inside her heart, and all she wanted to do was scream endlessly; not caring about whoever was listening.

"This is madness! It can't be true!" She continued to shout whilst Tyrion and Jaime only sighed in response. They've heard her sister shout in anger numerous times that it seems as if its part of her everyday routine.

"Well, the Stark girl chose to have her wedding in a fortnight, then she shall have it in a fortnight." Tyrion stated rather obviously.

"She can't have everything!" Cersei seethed in annoyance that Tyrion seems so casual with the betrothal as if it is nothing.

"No? Why not? Because she's not you?" Tyrion mused, and Cersei's rage only boiled further. He does love pushing her sister's buttons. It makes him amused to see his sister in such a fit.

"That's exactly why." Cersei replied him, and all this time Jaime has remained silent. He was sitting atop his bed with his hand covering his tired looking face. He seriously does not want to be here. Cersei getting angry always end up in giving Jaime a headache.

"Father is not even here. Do you truly think he will miss his favorite son's wedding?" She questioned with a little bit of hope in her voice/ She thought that perhaps if Tywin wasn't going to be here, the wedding may be postponed until they reach the South, giving Cersei plenty of time to try and devise a plan to break the betrothal.

"If it means creating the alliance faster...father is willing to do anything." Tyrion answered her, and nobody could disagree with him because they all knew he was right.

"Then I'll write to him. Tell him that the betrothal is a mistake. Make him change his mind." Cersei offered to no one but herself.

"Why do you even try? He's not going to listen to you." Tyrion tried to put some sense into his sister's mind. He seriously wonders what goes on inside that tiny head of hers. "This marriage is a perfect way to create the strongest alliance in perhaps the history of Westeros. Nothing and no one, will change father's mind. Not even you." He added, whilst Cersei glared at him with her dagger eyes. Though of course, Tyrion didn't felt threatened by the slightest.

Cersei didn't know what else to say. Out of all three of them, she was the only Lannister stressing about the upcoming wedding and she wasn't the one getting married. She felt as if it isn't fair to her that Jaime has to marry the Stark girl, and because of that, she can't figure out why it's happening in the first place. She didn't understand why it's happening to begin with. She was a Queen after all; everything should happen the way she wants it to.

"You're awfully quiet, brother." Tyrion commented, as his eyes focused on his older brother who still remained in his position ever since their sister started talking. Jaime had continued to keep quiet, much to Cersei's dismay and Tyrion's curiosity. "Don't tell me you actually agree to this betrothal. Do you?" He asked, and Jaime only let out a sigh in response.

"Oh my Gods, you do." Tyrion gasped in surprise in seeing Jaime's behavior. He's never seen him act in such a way.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Cersei shouted at him, and Jaime was sure the soldiers standing guard outside could hear them.

Jaime finally lifted his face to finally look at Cersei with her rage as clear as day. The two shared a look only meant for the both of them, and Tyrion could feel the tension in that room. It's hard sometimes to remind himself that his siblings have no idea regarding Tyrion's knowledge about their past relationship.

"Tyrion, would you excuse us?" Jaime asked Tyrion, and he looked at Jaime with a calculating look. They were communicating through their eye contact, as they didn't need words to understand one another. Tyrion's gaze went back and forth between Jaime and Cersei, before finally agreeing to do so.

He let out a deep breathe before removing himself from his position where he sat on the chair by the table. This was one conversation that neither Jaime nor Cersei wanted him to hear. He wondered whether Cersei will shout the life out their brother.

"What is the problem here, Cersei?" Jaime questioned her before she can start shouting at him again. He waited until Tyrion was out of earshot so that he wouldn't overhear whatever it is that Jaime and Cersei are going to talk about. He knew eventually that their relationship will be brought up, and Jaime didn't want Tyrion knowing any of that.

"You don't even know what I want?" Cersei answered him with her own question, looking quite offended that Jaime didn't know.

"I know what you want. Everybody in this room knows what you want; even Tyrion knows what you want! What I don't know is why you want it." Jaime explained to her.

"You were not supposed to marry anyone." Cersei fumed, "You were suppose to belong to me, and only me."

"Let me get this straight, you are allowed to marry the King and yet, I'm not allowed to marry anyone?" Jaime inquired. He was still sitting comfortably on his bed, while Cersei stood at the other end with both hands on her hips.

"That was what we agreed upon!" Cersei shouted,

"Our agreement ended the day you decided to sleep with someone else." Jaime told her off as he raised his voice for the first time ever since they started arguing.

"And that was a mistake! I shouldn't have, and I've apologized countless times to you." Cersei reminded him, and she said those exact words whenever they have a fight. Jaime only sighed in response because he can see right through her. Seeing his expression, Cersei walked towards the side of the bed where Jaime is sitting on.

"But...Jaime listen, I still love you. I've always had and I've never stopped." Cersei told him with a completely different tone. It sounded soft and so strange for Jaime to hear it in her voice.

"Enough of this, Cersei." Jaime huffed as he rolled his eyes. He stood up from his bed and walked further away from Cersei. He stopped a few inches by the door with an exasperated look on his face.

"Do you realize you have gotten everything that you wanted ever since you were born? I guess that's what makes you the person you are today. You were always jealous whenever someone else got something that you can't have, and you will do anything to make sure that it belongs to you." Jaime told his sister what was inside his mind.

"I never wanted a wife because you told me to join the Kingsguard. I wasn't a father because you told me so. Don't you realize that half of my life has been governed by you? And now I've finally made a choice that's truly mine and look at you? You're raging mad! You never asked me once what I wanted! You never even cared! Now I finally saw a chance to be the person I've always wanted to become. With marrying the Stark, I can start fresh again and there is nothing you can do about it!"

Cersei wasn't the one who shouted this time. It was Jaime's turn and he was going to let Cersei know what he felt about the betrothal. He wanted Cersei to know, but it isn't his problem if she didn't understood because she never does.

Without waiting for her response, Jaime left the room in a huff, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible. Just like Tyrion, he wondered what goes on inside Cersei's mind. He wasn't going to be dictated by Cersei no more. It's time he makes his own choices in his own life. No one else is going to make it for him. 

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