Chapter 25 - The Night's Allure

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     Jaime immediately headed back to his own private chambers that he shares with Aurelia, hoping that she was there before him. He wasn't exactly sure what to expect when he walk inside the room, but he knows that he needed to try and to at least be a friend if he does not know how to be a husband. Walking back to the other side of the castle, Jaime cannot help but think of his previous encounter with Cersei. He was close to succumbing to her desires, which feared him. He may not be sure of where his feelings lay with Aurelia but he knows that he cannot betray her in that way. Jaime was relieved that Cersei took care of the problem, albeit if it was a reckless way but Jaime would have done the same thing regardless. He did not care for the boy, but he did care about how it affected him and the life that would have been taken away from him when the King orders for his beheading.

     Opening the door slowly, Jaime was greeted by a sight of Aurelia sulking on the nook by the window overlooking the narrow sea. It was open like the night before, and the small wind made strands of Aurelia's hair dance along the breeze. She could still hear the never-ending ocean waves, which slowly calmed her down. She had spent the entire day with her sisters, informing them of the news regarding Bran's recovery. Ned didn't come to the Hands Tower until after sunset, and he comforted his daughters, making sure that he did not slip regarding their mother's whereabouts. Catelyn was staying at an inn on the other side of the city, careful not to get noticed. Sneaking Catelyn into the castle would be dangerous as it could risk her exposure.

    Aurelia's head turned aside to see Jaime entering their chamber, and she quickly wiped away the tears rolling down her face, not wanting for Jaime out of everyone else to see her in such a state

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Aurelia's head turned aside to see Jaime entering their chamber, and she quickly wiped away the tears rolling down her face, not wanting for Jaime out of everyone else to see her in such a state. She promised herself she would not act weak in front of him, and that included no more crying. But the past month has been so hard for her, and she repressed all of her tears and it was becoming harder to contain. Today, was worse than others. Being reminded of Bran's fall, and the fact that his legs may never work again, triggered everything else for her. She did not want to cry in front of her sisters as well, knowing that she needed to be strong for them and father, more than anyone.

When she arrived at her room an hour ago, Aurelia felt the tears coming down. There was no one else she needed to put up a front with now that she was alone.

Jaime felt uneasy seeing Aurelia in such a way, and closed the door behind him before perching himself on the edge of the bed across from her. He thought that perhaps Aurelia would prefer the space, and from him especially.

"I heard about your brother. Is it true?" Jaime asked, even though he already know it was.

"Yes," Aurelia nodded her head, but dared not to look at him. Her eyes were focused on the shining moon on the dark blue sky that she can see through the open window. She used to look at the moon each night back in Winterfell when her mind were ravaged with deep thoughts. Tonight was similar to that.

"I'm sorry, Aurelia-"

"Don't, please don't. Your sympathies won't change anything." Aurelia cut him off rather bitterly, but Jaime took no offense. He moved his head down, staring at his own two feet as the silence surrounded them. She hasn't turn around to see him either.

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