Chapter 41 . A captured Lion

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     "We should go, my Lady." Ser Rodrik advised Lady Catelyn Stark who sat astride her own horse beside the knight.

     They were waiting in the Woodlands for the return of Robb's army - if he was returning. There had been no word on which army triumphed at the battle the people were starting to name 'The Battle of the Whispering Wood'. It had been difficult for Catelyn to let Robb go knowing that he may not return.

     "No." Catelyn opposed Ser Rodrik. Her eyes scanning the trees for any sign of her son.

     A moment later, a couple of men on horseback broke through a line of trees as they came into Catelyn's view. Robb rode in first with his men following behind, and Aurelia not far from his side. She was told by Robb that their mother had joined them a few days prior after her visit in the Eyrie, and Aurelia held onto the fact that she will be seeing her mother again. Living apart from her had been dreadful, especially the first few months. Aurelia depended on her mother's comfort, feeling that everything would be alright if she stayed with her. With the news of Ned's imprisonment, she needed her mother now more than ever.

     Catelyn let out a sigh of relief with tears beginning to stain her eyes upon seeing her son's return. Then her eyes casted down to the female figure riding beside him. Catelyn was astounded as she saw her eldest daughter who was only an arm's reach away. She was adamant with the Northern Lords that fighting off the Lannister army must not be the only priority; saving Aurelia from the hands of the Kingslayer should be included as one. Catelyn feared the worst when she heard that Aurelia was with Jaime Lannister wherever he went. In Catelyn's eyes, she was his prisoner and Jaime had no intention of letting her go.

     As soon as Aurelia saw her mother, she dug her heels against the horse's side, and the horse galloped faster towards the end of a short hill where Catelyn awaited. She dismounted her horse, and ran to where her Aurelia was. The two immediately embraced as soon as they were only inches apart. Catelyn held her close within her arms, as if she was afraid that someone would take Aurelia away from her again.

     "Oh, my sweet child." Catelyn whispered to her softly as the tears fell down her cheeks. The mother and daughter pulled away from their embrace, as Catelyn looked on at her. Aurelia still appeared the same, but Catelyn could sense that there was something different about her.

     Aurelia was about to speak when Jaime was dumped to the ground in front of the two who teared away their eye contact to see a beaten knight standing on his knees. Jaime's hands were bound together with a rope, but he did not struggle to straighten his back. Throughout their entire journey from the battle to where they were now, Jaime had been silent. Aurelia had not spoken to him nor even went to him. She would glance from time to time, and Jaime could feel it.

     "By the time they knew what was happening, it already happened." Robb informed the battle to his mother and Rodrik, as he walked to Aurelia's side.

     Jaime took in deep breathes as she straightened himself up. He scanned the people surrounding him, and a sly grin grew appeared on his face upon seeing Catelyn standing right across from him.

     "Lady Stark." Jaime greeted whilst giving her a nod, "I'd offered you my sword, but I seem to have lost it." He said, not following along with how tense the situation was.

     "It's not your sword I want." Catelyn told him sternly, "Give me my daughter's back. Give me my husband." She told him,

     "I've lost them too, I'm afraid. All but my dear little wife over here." He replied with a smirk, as he set his sights on Aurelia who stood stoically. She did not even bother to speak a word in return, but rather looked at him intently.

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