Chapter 6 - First Encounter

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After Aurelia walked out of her father's study, the cold wind of the North greeted her face. Everyone around her was doing their jobs, but she didn't dare look up. Ever since she was out of her parents sight, the tears began to trickle down her rosy cheeks and she furiously wiped them away as if her life depended on it. She hated crying in front of her parents, how would she be able to cry in front of other's. Aurelia hurried her feet so she can get to her room before anyone notices her.

The she-wolf has never felt lost in her home, but at this exact moment, she does. What broke her the most was that Catelyn and Ned promised that she'll be able to have a say in who she marries, and she would marry once she's ready. Now the King comes riding into Winterfell; dictating other people's life. She has enough to deal with the fact that her father may ride South to become Hand of King, she doesn't need to deal with the fact that she'll be married, especially to Jaime Lannister. It was too much for her to handle.

She was so focused in trying to hid herself from people that she failed to notice there was someone else walking from the opposite direction. Her head was down the entire time, so all she could see was the shuffling of feet. Suddenly she bumped into someone. She could feel the cold hard armor against her cheek.

"My apologies, I did not see where I was going." Aurelia apologized to whomever just bumped her. As she said that, her eyes finally looked up, only to be met with a pair of familiar ones. "Ser Jaime," The name slipped right out of her mouth as if she had no control over it. Why out of all people would she bump into Jaime Lannister?

"Lady Aurelia," Jaime greeted her with that charming smile on him. He had just gone back from the brothel when Aurelia bumped into him. If Tyrion was here, he would be laughing his ass off.

Aurelia heard about the Kingslayer, how could could anyone not? They say he's an oathbreaker for killing the King he swore to protect. That's how he got the name 'Kingslayer' after all. Despite all that, they say he's the best swordsman throughout Westeros, and surely that was true. If not, he wouldn't be in the Kingsguard. They also say he's one of the most handsome man in Westeros. Even if he was a knight, the Southern girls flaunt themselves in his feet, imagining the day they could marry him. Aurelia only ever looked from afar when he arrived at Winterfell with the rest, and even then, she couldn't deny the fact that Jaime was handsome.

"There's no need to apologize." Jaime continued to say, but Aurelia just stood there as if she was fazed. She immediately placed her head down, and quickly wiped her tears with the palm of her hands. If her aim was to erase any sign of her crying, she's failing miserably. Jaime caught on what Aurelia was doing, and his face turned into that of concern. "My Lady, are you all right?" The knight asked her,

"I'm fine, Ser Jaime." Aurelia lied, but he doesn't need to know. When she looked up to see him once again, that's when realization hit her. The King plans to marry her to him, surely he can't be blind about it. Her face changed into that of a calculating look, causing Jaime to furrow his eyebrows in confusion. Aurelia didn't know how she plucked up the courage to raise her voice at the knight, and a Lannister at that. But then again at that moment, she cared about nothing.

"You know do you not? Surely you must. Why else would you have looked at me earlier when we met. You looked at me, and I let you like I was a fool." Aurelia told Jaime, causing him to become more confused.

"I beg your pardon?" Jaime said whilst trying to hide his surprise that a highborn Lady would act in such a way. 

"The King plans to wed us both as husband and wife to join our houses together." Aurelia told him, and Jaime's mouth was left open in surprise. It wasn't that he didn't know about the betrothal, rather that he had no idea that Aurelia Stark had already known. The King told him before they departed for Winterfell that the betrothal was to be informed in a formal matter with both parties in attendance.

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