The beginning||1

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=====Lances POV=====

I wake up in a cold sweat and look at the alarm clock Pidge had made me. Great, I'm late to... lunch? Why didn't anyone wake me?

What a wonderful way to start the day. Let me fill you in on what has been happening.

I've been missing more and more 'bonding' sessions and seem to be left out on purpose. I don't know what I did whether it was how ugly I am or maybe how weak I am but I don't know why

It's because you're annoying

Great, the voice is up. As I walk out I stop myself and jump back into my room slinging my jacket sleeves over my scarred arms. Almost slipped up, heh.

My legs hurt from training ,and the aforementioned problem I have, as I walk to the dining room to see no one but Shiro. I grab my goo and sit down as he perks up "where have you been lance? We watched a movie, I thought you liked movies?" He asks. I'm a bit confused where he heard my love for acting but I just shrugged and stared at my food. "Hmm, just don't miss it next time, it's important for bonding" I chuckle to myself a little and just keep watching my favorite show, goo.

I stand up and throw away the goo. I pray Shiro didn't notice my lack of appetite as I walk to the training room. I grab my bayard and yell out "start training level five!" This won't be fun, Keith can barely get past five and with me being no where near his skill level I'm gonna get my ass kicked.

——quick time skip——

I finally finish and weakly half yell "end training se-sequence!" I keel over panting heavily as my hair stays stuck to my forehead from sweat, I feel my knees buckle and it makes it hard to stand so I just kneel down so I can rest.

If Shiro saw you so weak from level five he'd kick you off the team easily

Who could ever love such a weakling

Why don't you ju-

My thoughts are interrupted by Keith walking into the room "hey, get out I gotta train" I ignore him and stay on my place catchin my breath "god come on, hurry up don't be so lazy! You weren't even doing anything important!" He yells and I flinch a little at his sudden tone "w-whatever mullet, I wanna leave just so I don't have to see that horrible thing you call a haircut!" I pester back and walk out sighing.

The door to my 'room' slides open, as I step inside I immediately fall onto my bed not bothering to change my clothes as I quickly fall asleep.

I wake up feeling even worse then yesterday my everything now on fire. After what feels like a year I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I stare at the mirror and cringe at what I see.

You're so disgusting and fat

No one would ever love something like you

I frown and nod slowly at the voices agreeing with them. I reach under the sink and grab the knife I had taped under there. The reason I taped it was because Shiro almost found it on one of his room inspections he does. I smile a little at the thought of my hero caring about me till I realize he would probably just laugh and make fun of me.

After finishing my handiwork and coating my arms and legs in the white fabric I step out of the bathroom making sure I didn't get any blood on me and walk into the dining room a (fake) smile plastered on my face. I tried so hard to make it seem real it almost hurt. "I'll be fine" I said knowing indeed, I won't be fine.

Black and blue I'm meant for you||Shance langstWhere stories live. Discover now