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——Lance's POV——

Once I'm out of the training room I feel tears begin pricking at my eyes. I can't cry now, I'm too close to Shiro, he might hear me and I might make him mad.

He doesn't need crybaby's on his team during war.

I nod my head in affirmation and begin speedily walking to my room. Once I'm there I let myself fall onto my bed and just cry silently. I laid there unmoving, I kept thinking about what had happened.

     'I beat level five' 'I don't care'

I. Don't. Care.

I bolt up, apparently I had fallen asleep. I gripped my chest and slowed my breathing. If Shiro really doesn't care about that then, what does he care about.

—time skip two days(no pov)—

     The team were going over their alliances and what planets can provide them with what resources. Lance had long since zoned off, mostly day dreaming about heat he can do to improve and his mind frequently drifting to his home in Cuba.

Shiro has noticed this and stopped talking "Lance, do you want to join in on this discussion?". Keith and Pidge laughed as Shiro just gave a disappointed look. Lance's face was bright red as he stammered out a response.

     "Uh... Yeah-sure" he replied quickly as he flashed an un-convincing smile to the older male. Shiro looked unimpressed as he asked another question "what were we talking about, Lance?". Lance didn't like the way he said his name at the end, it was like hearing a foreign word instead of his name. "Uhm, Voltron?" He said in a more uncertain tone.

     Shiro just sighed "Lance please pay more attention, we need input on discussions and that includes you" Lance quickly nodded and kept looking down before Shiro gave up and went back to talking.

     Truth is, Lance was having trouble focusing because he was trying too hard to improve. They say practice makes perfect but Lance is overworking himself and he feels burnt out.

     Shiro's voice breaks the sleep from his mind. "Alright team, you all have some free time so go do whatever you need to while Allura and I go over some things". Pidge immediately rushes out to go knows where while as Hunk is walking out Lance follows suit to the kitchen, Keith just kinda sulks off being emo and stuff.

     Before Lance can walk out the door Shiro is already there and gripping his arm Lance holds back barely able to hide his sharp inhale as he looks up at Shiro nervously "wha-What's up?" He asks smiling at him "if you're going to go train please wear armor this time, there will be consequences for your mistakes". Lance gulps and nods before walking off and to the training room.

     Shiro sighs and slumps back into his seat near Allura before beginning to go back over Voltron and subjects alike. Lance had thoughts running through his head as he entered the training room and prepared his armor along with his bayard. "Alright, start level four" he called out to the machine for a warmup.

After a couple of hours he finishes advancing a few levels. His feeling of accomplishment is short lived as he quickly felt the soreness of his arms and legs take over as he stumbled out of the room and into his own room.

He threw off his armor and got into the shower hoping the warm water may sooth his pain. He stared at the wall in front of him as he contemplated what he had done right and wrong during training. His thoughts were interrupted by a knock at his door "of course" he sighed out and got out of the shower wrapping a towel around his waist and headed toward his door.

The door opened and I front of the Cuban boy was his leader. "Oh, hey Shiro what do you need?" Shiro seemed shocked before starting to speak "we are going to hold a meeting soon, please put something on and be in the bridge as quick as you can" Shiro swiftly left the doorway and Lance closed the door before going back into his shower and finishing up.

I know it's in a hiatus but, this chapter was already almost finished.

Black and blue I'm meant for you||Shance langstWhere stories live. Discover now