Behind closed floors||6

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         Lance opened the door, and was greeted with the leader himself, Shiro. He looked down at the shorter man in front of him. "Lance I-" he struggled to find the words to use to address the problem. "Lance if somethings wrong you would tell me right?" Lance felt his hand tense up as he dug his nails into the palm of his hands and struggled to keep his legs straight up/ "Yeah of course Shiro, you're the leader everyone trusts you, I'm no exception". This seemed to please or at least quell Shiro's worries as he nodded and backed off, back to the med bay to watch for Keith.

     Lance closed his door and slid against it down to the floor and put his knees to his chest. By the time his hands had been slightly cut open and stung when he put them over his crying eyes. "Why didn't I just ask for help, 'm such a coward". He gripped his hands harder as he fell onto his side, crying till he fell asleep on the cold, bare floor.

     When Shiro passed through the door he saw Keith propped on a chair and gripping a water pouch. "Hey Keith you're out of the pod, how are you?" Shiro rushed over and kneeled down beside Keith placing his hand on Keith's shoulder. Keith looked up and put a hand over Shiro's "I could've gotten that bot". Shiro chuckled and forgot about the previous encounters with Lance, Keith always did make him feel better. "Is there anything else you need Shiro? I want to sleep and just, act like my ribs are in the right place for a bit" Shiro and Keith laughed a bit and smiled at eachother, just enjoying eachother's company as they had for so long. "No I just wanted to make sure you were alright, and sure you could've hit him but you would've died right after dummy". Keith and Shiro continued to banter to eachother for a while till Keith relented and left to go to his room.

     Lance laid there on the ground, he had long since stopped caring about getting a band-aid for his hands, or were they called something else in space, another passing thought about home. It's funny really, Lance used to be scolded by his mother for running outside at night, onto the large hill up in his backyard which had the best view of the stars. His father always supported his dreams of being a pilot, going so far as to carry the burden of building a small cardboard spaceship that Lance could fit in, and then being forced to carry him around the backyard at an ungodly hour. Lance's father did it all because he knew how much it meant to Lance, and due to that Lance misses his family more than anything. "Papá, Mamá, los extraño mucho, tengo tantas ganas de estar en casa" (Sorry for any native speakers I feel bad for butchering your language).

     Shiro passed Lance's door and put his hand inches from the pad to open the door. Maybe just giving him some time to decompress and calm down is the best idea. "I can always come back later" Shiro spoke under his breath and walked off to speak with Coran on differing matters on the Galra.

     Lance eventually got off the floor and stumbled into the bathroom. He flipped on the lights and started the sink to cold water as he began wrapping his hands in some bandages he found on his sink. As he stared at his mirror he saw his eyes red from crying, he looked down at his hands, bandages now lightly stained. "Why didn't I just say something" He splashed his eyes with cold water and got ready for dinner infront of the others.


So yeah, I've been gone for a while huh, sorry about that, I have been in the shittiest place possible for a while but, I wanted to come back and some others wanted me to as well so, why not. I'm sorry for being gone for so long again, I'm back to stay for a while this time. Look in my bio for a bit of a better explanation. With love - your favorite writer from beyond the stars! <3

Black and blue I'm meant for you||Shance langstWhere stories live. Discover now