Discourse|| 5

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     After Shiro had walked out the door he gripped his head as his heart began racing. What the fuck was with his arms?! His racing thoughts were interrupted with the alarms of the ship piercing through his mind. He cleared his heist and gave Lance's room door another concerned look "I have to talk to him after this" he muttered under his breath before running to his room to get his armor on.

     Lance closed the door and went back to his shower. After he finished and sat back down on his bed he then realized what had happened. His eyes filled with tears as he realized what has just occurred. He threw his fist into the cold, metal wall of his bathroom and shouted profanities after he felt the crunch of bone. He sat on his toilet, his hand loosely wrapped in the shape he thinks it should be in, as his mind went over everything that had happened. Every thought felt like a short burst, he debated what would happen and the actions that he would take. On one hand he had just fessing up to the whole thing, on the other hand, he also had a much less preferable option.

He jolted off the toilet when he heard the screech of the alarms and felt the castle shake from under him as the Galra opened fire. He rushed and threw on his suit wincing when he put the glove part on and again when he lifted his bayard. Once at the control room Allura spoke swiftly and kept moving her head in an attempt to make the Paladins understand her over the loud weapons of the Galra. "The Galra have a new warship, we cannot penetrate is with any of our weapons but you can if you are out if your lions, get up there and plant charges inside the engine room." Throughout this briefing Shiro kept looking back towards Lance. Lance held the fear in his heart from earlier, praying that Shiro would just drop it. 'Please Shiro, worry about something more important' Lance thought to himself as he rubbed the back of his broken hand.

     In average Voltron fashion, everything was originally going to plan, however, also in Voltron fashion, everything went to shit. "Hunk! Get away from that!" Hunk swiftly retracted his hand as a large robot had come to life. Usually operations inside warships were easy and only dealt with a couple sentries, although, this sentry was jacked up. The robot slammed his blade down and narrowly missed Hunk, the yellow paladin now residing close to Lance. "What is this thing Pidge!?" Lance yelled as he put an arm in-front of her. "I-I don't know! It seems to have better encryption and, better ai then most sentries". Keith took out his sword and began running toward it. "Whatever it is we can kill it" He was quickly proven wrong by the bot kicking him in the stomach, sending him flying into the wall and knocking him unconscious. Hunk saw an opening and fired his cannon into the bot's chest, the thing opened up yet didn't fall. Instead, the robot (in a last ditch effort to kill the Paladins) lunged toward the group and threw his sword at them. Lance was hit in the arm and hunk in the leg, nothing major but obviously putting pressure on the paladins.

     Shiro picked up Keith and took charge "Pidge, place the charges, Lance and Hunk get back to the Castle. We have to get out of here post haste." The leader of the team ran out of the room and into his lion charging back to the castle, the others followed suit along with the red lion.

     Keith was placed in the pod and Hunk(being the man he is) hung around the area waiting for him. Shiro exited the Med bay and bounded toward Lance's room.

     Once back in the castle Lance ran to his room taking no detours. Once inside his room he gripped his blade, a small pocket knife given to him ,before his departure to the garrison, by his father. The small blade fit snugly in between his fingers. His eyes swell up with tears as he remembers his home, the wonders of space were so fresh in his mind.

He was interrupted by hard knocking at his door, he threw his knife into his pocket and opened the door. His heart raced as he accepted the fate to come to him.


Frick frack I'm not dead just working on my other book 👌🏻

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