Cold and Scared||11

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=====Lance's POV=====

     Last I can remember is holding my hand out to grab Hunk's hand and, watching as mine is cut off. I passed out pretty quickly but, now I'm awake with bandages around my waist and what's left of my right arm. The dim, purple lights are the only thing letting me see around right now, and even then they barely provide enough light for me to see what I'm on. It's a metal sheet, welded to the wall, acting like a bed, the door out of here is a transparent purple energy, and lastly what appears to be a rusted metal bucket in the corner. I don't want to know where that buckets been, but right now all I know is I feel sick.

      I lurch forward and grab the bucket before throwing up what feels like my entire stomach into it. I hear a man grunt outside my door so, I'm most likely guarded, someone who obviously doesn't like me throwing up.

     I peer down and see I'm shirtless, except for the bandages, and only have on the bottom half of my bodysuit. They took the top half and my boots, unsurprisingly my bayard too. No matter, I can survive like this for a while, and once the team comes and gets me I'll be safe again.

If, they come for you. Don't you think this might've been their plan.

     Wait, how could it have been their plan though. I swear they would've just captured us all if given the chance. Unless that is, Allura mentioned something about Galran infighting, they're always vying for power. So what if the man who got me worked with the team and maybe the team realized that if they got rid of me they would be better off. So then they had him capture me, and give me to the other Galrans.

Of course that's what had happened, do you actually think any of them would care if they had lost you. If anything they're most likely excited their plan worked.

     Maybe I'm right, maybe no ones coming for me. Would they really go as far as to do such an elaborate thing just to get rid of me?

They think you're stupid enough to believe it, afterall for a while you thought maybe Shiro could eventually like you.

     I can't stay here for long, being this alone with my thoughts is going to drive me mad. The only thing I can see to my advantage is the large vent at the top right of the room, seems like I can get through there and maybe access the rest of the ship.

     My planning is interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming down the hall of where my cell is located. As the footsteps draw near I eventually see who it is. A tall silver haired Galran man, but, he almost looks Altean, same as Allura.

See, more evidence this was all planned to get rid of you, the weakest paladin.

     The man appears infront of my cell and peers in at me. By this point my back is against the back wall, not even daring to give him eye contact. "Hello, little blue, I hope you find Galran hospitality to your liking" his pompous attitude and way of talking already had me pissed "I mean after all we control almost all of the known universe, it's funny that you think you make any difference in the grand scheme of things." Damn it I just want him to shut up finally.

     After what felt like a solid minute of this man just staring at my shirtless body he finally starts to talk again, unfortunately. "Well, we should get our formalities out of the way, the name is Prince Lotor, son of Zarkon the ruler of the universe. And what's your name blue?" His attitude and tone don't change at all, god will he ever just shut up. "I'm not going to answer that, you'll have to beat it out of me!" What are you doing Lance you know that's exactly what they'll do. Lotor chuckles at me and sends the other guard away before stepping into my cell.

     "The fact that you think you can speak to me that way is, rather humorous" he grabs onto my throat and lifts me to my feet, we aren't too different in height but, he easily lifts me off my feet and against the wall. I struggle to breath as he continues "the fact that you act so defiant despite the fact that you're on my ship, it amuses me Blue, to no end." I feel his grip tighten as I move my left hand up to punch him. I feel a sharp slice into my chest that causes me to just grab onto his wrist.

     "-et mh-mhe gho!" I barely manage to choke out before he lefts me fall against the ground, once again slumped against the wall. I'm gasping for air and my vision looks fuzzy as he continues. "Now before the witch gets here I'll give you some time to decide whether or not to tell us the secrets of voltron, if you do we'll make sure you die rather painlessly" he puts the small Galran knife against my throat "if not, we can just keep torturing you until you tell us, got that Blue?" I cant stand this pompous bastard "g-gho to hell" I manage to spit a little bit of blood into his face. He reels back and wipes his face quickly. "Big mistake" he mutters out.

     Lotor quickly kicks me hard in the stomach and I taste blood yet again. My side wound is painfully reopened when he hits me with another kick right on it. Everything hurts, I feel blood running down my mouth and side. Lotor eventually stops and spits on me "It's just going to get a hell of a lot worse from here Blue, so make your choice quick and enjoy your last few days alive." He walks out, reactivating the barrier behind him, and I hear he guard come back to where he was previously.

     I need to get out of this damn place.

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