Floating in a tin can|| 10

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=====Lance's POV=====

      A mission, a fucking mission. At this point either Shiro or Allura are trying to kill me. I'm seated in the command room as they discuss the plans, they want me to provide over watch as Pidge and Shiro break into the Galra base, something about a new tank or something and then hunk will use his lion to destroy it. Allura then claps her hands and I jolt up. "Lance! Are you sleeping?!" My head darts around and the whole room is now focused on me. "Uh, no I was, I was just, just like" I struggled to find the words before I eventually sighed "I was falling asleep yes." I accepted my fate and leaned back more in my chair, too far and the whole thing fell back. "whOAH!" I fell onto the ground and was greeted by everyone laughing, well, except for Allura and Shiro.

They think you're just a joke, a pathetic excuse for a paladin. Maybe after this mission's screw up they'll get rid of you.

     I stood up and dusted myself off before fixing my chair and sitting back down. "Sorry Princess, continue." I sat straight in my chair, I wouldn't even dare slouch again in fear of either falling asleep or more anger from Allura and Shiro. Allura wraps up the explanation but Shiro won't stop looking at me disapprovingly, shit does it look like I'm dozing off again or something.

He just naturally hates you, a weak link in the team, and like any good leader he wants to get rid of you.

     God the lack of sleep is making this unbearable. Finally Allura is done talking and we grab our bayards, readying ourselves for the mission ahead.

     The mission is going fine, for now at least. We had to enter the planet through an Altean ship and not our lions as they would've detected us easily. The large purple and black hanger is easily the size of the castle, what it contains worries me more though. What could the Galra have that would be that big.

      My daydreaming is interrupted by Shiro's voice "Lance! Do you have us in sight or not?!" I scramble awake and aim my sights to see Shiro and Pidge's positions infront of the hanger's side door. "Roger that Kashi, I see you both." I hear Shiro's audible sigh "It's Shiro, and keep us in your sights Lance, we don't know what's behind this door and if the Galra value it then they'll send as many soldiers needed to take us out." I gulp before replying "Don't worry K-Shiro I've got you guys in my sights!" I watch as Shiro presses is metal arm against the door's computer and Pidge access it through her computer.

     I'm starting to doze off when I feel something press against the back of my helmet. "Seems like I've caught myself a paladin" it's Galra, it has to be "put your gun onto the ground, and slowly stand up." What more can I do in a situation like this. I do as he says and set the blue rifle onto the ground, and carefully move from one knee onto my feet. "Mmh, seems like you paladins can at least follow orde-" he's cut off when I kick back into his knee, making it crack backwards, totally breaking it. "You little shi-" I grab onto his wrist and throw him towards the cliff where I was positioned. He reaches out to grab me thought and pulls me down with him.

     My helmet flies off as I crash down on every rock and root on the cliff face, eventually stopping at the bottom of it. The Galra manages to get on top of me and put both hands around my throat. "Your head will net me a nice promotion, and maybe a place at Zarkon's side!" A sharp, jagged Galran knife is pushed into my left side and I feel it pierce my skin. "G-AH!" I gasp for air as I feel my side become wet with my blood. I look to my right and see the pistol he had against my head. Reaching for it he notices and goes to grab it himself. I pull onto his helmet and slam his face into the dirt, ripping out the knife in my side and pushing it into the back of his throat. The knife severs his spine and he falls onto the ground, motionless.

     As I look around I see my helmet not too far from where we landed, the visor is slightly cracked and multiple scuff marks line the exterior of it. Placing it on my head I see it's working by Shiro practically screeching in my ear. "LANCE!" I wince at the pain in my side when I tense up and try to respond. "Shiro I just" I cant even finish what I'm saying as my leg gives out and I feel the bleeding get worse. "You were just what Lance, we've been through the door for a while now and have had to proceed without you. Stay outside and get to the ship we came with, the guards are too heavy the way we came so you'll need to be picked up by Hunk's lion outside of the atmosphere got it?!" His tone is harsh but, he doesn't know what's happened, I don't blame him.

Hopefully you bleed out so he won't be annoyed by your slow pace anymore.

     I stand up and throw off my armor, hopefully Allura will understand. I rip off the shirt of my bodysuit and tie it around my side, stopping the bleeding for now. As I survey my surroundings I keep my helmet on allowing me to see which way I have to go to get to the ship we came on. God, damn it, three kilometers of nonstop walking with a knife wound in my side. I need to start now if I hope to catch up with Hunk.

If you don't hurry they may leave you and take off with you trapped there with the Galra.

     I shakily start walking in the direction that the helmet says, my side already hurting just from me taking slow steps and breathing slowly. I don't know if I'll live to see the ship, or if I'll live enough to see Shiro again. Why is he on my mind, I should hate him by how he acts but, I don't know, maybe he just has a lot on his plate right now. For now I'll just keep walking.

     I've been walking for what feels like hours now. The helmet says I should be close by to the ship, but I can't see it anywhere. By now my side feels like it's clotted up fine but, I'm awfully light headed, which I know for a fact isn't good.

      As I stumble and cling onto a tree for stability I look up and see the ship. I almost yell with excitement till I see what's around it. Two Galran patrol soldiers, I can never catch a damn break can I. Luckily it seems like there's a decently sized rock at the base of this tree, I bend down and grab it, perfect size to make the perfect noise. I feel my arm back and chuck it at a large boulder near the ship, barely holding back a yell from the pain of the gash in my side. The rock breaks  open with a loud thud, distracting the guards and making them pursue the place the sound came from. Allowing me to sneak into the ship and activate it.

     The guards look up at my ship taking off and I use the loudspeaker to announce "Sayonara losers!" I'm ashamed I couldn't think of anything cooler but right now all I care about is fixing the gash on my side.

     Just as I'm about to leave the atmosphere of the planet I see the yellow lion, finally I'm going to be out of this cursed place. Over the comms I hear Shiro come onto the comms "There you are Lance, I'm glad you made it out safely, once your inside I want you to explain what happened." I chuckled nervously and began to speak "no problem boss man". The jaws of the yellow lion welcomed me in and I prepared to leave the ship, Hunk appears and comes to greet me.

     As I reach my hand out to grab his, why can't I move my fingers. Why does Hunk look like he's seen a ghost. Wait, why is, who, something just cut my arm off.

=====Hunk's POV=====

     As I go to grab Lance's hand, trying to not pull him close and hug him on account of his side. I watch as a silver haired man appears behind him, drawing a silver looking sword, and slicing Lance's arm from the back of the elbow up. I scream out for him and try to grab him. "Ah ah ah, little blue is mine now, the foolish paladin didn't even think to check if anyone was hiding in the ship, now did he!" The silver haired man taps the controls quickly and backs away from the lion, retreating to the planet below as anti-ship cannons fire at us. Shiro starts to yell over the comms as I stand there dazed and confused about what just happened. "HUNK WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" I jump into action and back into the pilot seat, trying my hardest not to break down. I want my best friend back.

Hehehe so that twist was, poorly done, but still I liked it. So Lancey is captured by everyone's favorite space fuckboy Lotor and nowwww it's time for some more angssttt. This time without Lance's right arm!

Stay beautiful you stars!

Black and blue I'm meant for you||Shance langstWhere stories live. Discover now