The storm||8

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=====Shiro's POV=====

      Being able to sit down with Keith for a bit in the med-bay and talk about the previous mission was nice. Keith seemed to acknowledge it was his fault he was injured, and not Lance's for once. Sometimes I worried about the two of them, I want the two to get along but it just seems like they're both day and night.

      "Hey guys, I brought some food, Coran showed me this weird plant and I think it tastes like pepper but it numbs your mouth for a bit so it's weird like that" Keith and I look at eachother for a bit before laughing. "Thank you Hunk, Keith and I should eat, you should too" I grabbed my plate as Hunk handed it to me, the strange dish looked like chocolate cake but when I put it in my mouth it felt like eggs with pepper. "Especially after the last mission, also it tastes good Hunk, thank you"

It's times like these I treasure the most, times where I can just relax. There is no worrying about the next mission or not breaking down from my time in the arena. It's just me, my food, and some friends. No one else coming to bother that.

"Thank you Hunk, the food was great, Keith we should actually go do some planning for the next mission now, if we don't the princess might not like that." I got out of my chair and set my plate on the small table. "Oh alright, I'll stay here for Lance, he'll definitely want some too." I chuckle a bit, Hunk always has been a considerate person, that's why we all love him so much. I helped Keith out of his chair like the big baby he is and we started to head out the door.

Well at least we were until we collided with Lance, both me and Keith falling onto him. Lance shoved us away quickly and, I was surprised at the speed he did it, he acted like we were hot magma burning him or something. Keith and I argued over who was in the wrong till. Well, Lance yelled at us and shoved past us, Ive gotta say it wasn't a good feeling, it almost hurt to see him act like this. Neither Keith nor Lance should act like this, but I'll need to correct their behavior later, let's just go do the work that needs to be done.

     The ship's layout is maze like when you're just walking without thinking. The design was intended so that only people familiar with it could navigate it during battle in case of any intruder's but, even we can hardly move around it sometimes. Finally, we reached the control room, felt like it took forever. As I walked in I noticed Allura already having a map pulled up on be projected hologram.

     "Afternoon princess" I greeted her and nodded toward her, she gave me a small smile and nodded back. "Afternoon Shiro, as you can see I've already formed a plan for tomorrow" she gestured toward the hologram and looked towards Coran, who had seemingly fallen asleep as his head was tucked in his arm on the table. Allura gave his chair a kick and the old man jumped up "Er, as the princess was saying a plan we have!" It took him a second to wake up and process what was happening "I mean, we have a plan". My worry for the princess and her compatriot grew too much for me to stay silent "how long have you guys been awake, and working on this?"

     "It's nothing Shiro don't worry my boy" Coran seemed to relax a bit "we had to be up for a while anyways, what with me doing some much needed repairs after he last mission and all." He cleared his throat and continued, all while messing with his mustache. "We recently received a decrypted Galran transmission of a freighter ship brining much needed supplies to a mining operation, if we cut off the supply ship then they'd be forced to pull out of the area, genius I know!" Coran took a deep breath after having said it all in one breath and sighed "however it will be a very densely guarded ship so we can't bring in the castle close enough to assist the paladins" he pulled up an image of the fleet on the hologram. The large supply ship had what seemed to be multiple large laser cannons on the side of the ship, the entire ship looked like the letter 'U' and had a large box like structure between the two prongs of the 'U'.

     "Alright so how do we take it down then if we can't get the castle in range?" Keith crossed his arms, I really have to tell him it looks more rude than he means. "Glad you asked Keith, so what you paladins will be doing, and I'll restate this to you guys during the briefing for the others" he pressed a button on the console and the hologram then showed the entire ventilation system of the ship "you'll put these handy explosives around the oxygen tanks, this when they explode, kaboom!". The small hologram then displayed the ship exploding, and a small graphic of Zarkon's face crying.

     I laughed at Coran's excitedness for the mission and the small graphic. Keith seemed unimpressed but when does he not. "It seems like a good plan guys, I feel like maybe we can pull this one off without a hitch." I looked over at Keith hoping maybe he shared the same sentiment. "We can if Lance isn't there to mess up" I sighed "Keith you can't just blame him-" I was cut off by Keith pointing his finger at my chest and yelling at me "you can't deny that he pulls us down, you've said it before yourself he's been slacking off and is a weak leg of voltron!". It hurts to admit "alright alright, maybe I did say that but" I can hear someone running outside the hall but, that doesn't matter right now, Keith has got me pissed "he's been improving lately, and that's prior to me actually getting to know the man, so maybe you should have a seat!" I didn't know I could raise my voice like that to someone I know, let alone Keith.

=====Lance's POV=====

     As I walk down the halls back to my room I hear talking. It takes me a moment to realize I'm by the control room, Shiro and Keith are talking. I don't think I'd be in much trouble if I ease-dropped in on them. I listen closely then I'm startled by Keith's yelling "We can if Lance isn't there to mess up" Jeez that's a bit harsh Keith don't you think.

He's not wrong and you know it

      Yeah whatever, I listen closer and see Keith put his finger against Shiro's chest and point at him "you can't deny that he pulls us down, you've said it before yourself he's been slacking off and is a weak leg of voltron!" Wait, Shiro please deny it no you didn't, please say you don't agree.

You know he does, he thinks that your entire existence on the team is pathetic and replaceable.

      Please just, deny it Shiro. "alright alright, maybe I did say that" No, come on, no, the man I looked up to so much, I can't do this.

See, even Shiro, the man you had admired and loved so much, thinks you're weak and pathetic.

      Before I know it my legs are running, they start to burn but, that doesn't matter right now, I just have to keep moving. I deserve this, I don't stop running until my legs just give out. My face is met with the cold floor as I fall over. Legs still aching I slowly lift myself off the ground and slowly walk towards my room "what did that accomplish, why did I run".

Why not, maybe if you keep running you'll tire and eventually die from exhaustion

     That really would be fucking nice, death would be a break at least. I fall onto my bed and immediately fall asleep.

Black and blue I'm meant for you||Shance langstWhere stories live. Discover now