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—Lance's POV—

I jerk up in cold sweat as I clench at my shirt sticking to my chest. I had another nightmare, it's always the same the team finally deciding I'm not worth their time, or me missing a shot that kills one of the paladins. No, I don't consider myself a paladin, im not worth the title yet.

     I throw my legs to the side of my bed and robotically begin my morning routine of sitting down and thinking about what's wrong with me. Everything, I conclude, but a big one is my strength. I look at my arms, their small but I needed to gain more strength, I don't have the skills Pidge has to survive so I need to be better if I ever want to be a paladin.

     After my internal battle goes on I hear a knock at the door. I get up and forget the fact that I haven't changed and my hair looks like shit, I panic internally and throw on my jacket and push my hair back to make me look decent. "Hey, hunk sent me to get you so hurry up man." Keith says through tired haze before walking back down to the dining room.

     Ah that sweet bastard hunk, gotta love him.

Yet he doesn't feel the same towards you

     "Too fucking early" i mutter to myself before grabbing my clothes and getting them hastily thrown onto my body.

Good thing you had that jacket on, we wouldn't want Keith to see our little secret, then again he wouldn't care would he?

     'Yes, yes he would' I tune out my worries and finish getting in my shirt and jacket as I walk out the door and down the hall to the dining room.

    As I approach the door I hear talking, specifically on keyword: lance. I put my ear up to the door and listen in. "Alright, Here's the current scores for the battle sim" Shiro's going over the scores and I'm not there. Better without your incessant nagging. I ignore myself and keep listening. "Me level eleven, Keith nine, hunk five, Pidge four, and lastly Lance two." I frown, believe it or not I'd rather not be ostracized by my team and have my scores be made known. Why? They can already see you're weak without it. Yes, but this just affirms those thoughts about me, and it kinda hurts that Shiro would just openly tell them.

     I hadn't realized I was already walking away before I heard the door to the training room open. My body just, walked off without much thought.

     I thought over it and decided just to start training, maybe I can improve my score.

-time skip because I can't write fights well-

     After the last robot fell I look at my score. The altean score board showed I lasted longer then last time raising my score to a three, I smiled and pumped my fist in the air. Maybe this is why Keith always trained, it feels good to improve.
No matter what you'll always be behind them

     I frown and clutch my bayard, my knuckles turning white from my grip. I thought for a moment, that isn't true. Maybe not as good as Shiro but I can improve, then they'll like me, they'll have to. I steady my bayard's rifle form and prepare for another couple rounds before shouting for it to start.

-switch POV to Shiro-

     I hadn't seen Lance come to breakfast, strange considering this trend has seemed to spike recently. I shrug it off and decide to confront him at lunch.

     The problem is when lunch rolls around, Lance isn't there. I ask Hunk and he hasn't seen him, I go to Pidge and she's been in her room all day, finally I decide to seek out Keith through sheer desperation to see if they fought recently. I enter the room and see Keith on his bed fiddling with his knife. "Oh, hey Shiro" I nod to him before coming to the middle of his room "Have you seen Lance recently?" Keith frowned for a moment before speaking "Yeah, he was in the training room when I went there, I yelled at him to get out but he was stubborn and just ignored me" I sighed and didn't even bother telling him he was in the wrong "thanks Keith" I reply and jog out of his room and down to the training area.

     I open the door and see Lance firing his bayard before the voice proclaims he's beaten level five, he puts his hand down as he kneels obviously worn out. "Woah!" I yell and run over to him so I can help him stand, but before I can reach him he holds his hand up and stands upright "I'm-Fine" he says with a moment of pause between the words as he regains his composure "what do you need Shiro" he's breathing heavily and looks worse for wear, he has multiple small cuts in his jacket and fingers as well as a small one on his right jawline "why are you training sans armor" he looks at me confused before I correct my error "sans means without" I say, he nods and responds "I just forgot to change, I beat level five though" he looked at me smiling but my own incompetence got in the way "I don't care, why were you training without your armor, you could be seriously hurt" it came out more bluntly then I wanted but it got my point across, I hope.

     I watch his smile fade and I felt my heart slap me as I realized what I said was a bit rude out of context, but even in context it was a bad way of wording it. "Oh, sorry, won't happen again" he catches onto me noticing the sudden change in composure and his demeanor quickly changes back into his more blissful and gay(h a h, but in context it means happy[still hah]) one. "Don't you worry bossman!" He says while slapping a smile onto his face and walking past me and out the door to presumably his room.

     I slap my face ignoring the sting from hitting my nose and audibly yell to myself aggravated, at no one but myself, "what did I just do?!".


Whoops Shiro is a dumbass but I still love that hulking mass of a man.

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