A sudden turn of fate|| 12

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=====Still Lance's POV=====
(I promise we'll see Shiro in a bit sorryyy)

I awake on the cold, metal floor. The second day of this hellhole of a ship. As I stand up from my place on the floor I notice my bandages have been replaced with fresh new ones, and my previously vomit filled bucket is now empty. Great, at least now I know I'm not going to have to shit in a corner.

I'm suddenly taken aback by a metal tray quickly sliding towards me. I look up and see a guard standing behind he electric field I'm kept behind. "Eat up, you've got a long day ahead of you" he chuckles to himself and leaves before I can even get in a rebuttal. I don't know what he means but, doesn't sound good.

If I thought he food goo on the ship was bad, this is an entirely new form of bad. It was purple, just like almost anything Galran, and it smelled like sulphur. Trying to take a bite of it I reached out for the two pronged fork thingie with my right arm before, realizing. Well this is going to be a problem. It's hard not to cry, losing something so vital so easily, what would Shiro think.

He'd blame you and call you pathetic. He would kick you off the team for being even more useless now that you can't shoot, not that you were even a good shot anyways.

I can feel the tears rolling down my face despite my best attempts to not cry. I go to wipe my face but only end up smacking what's left of my arm on my face as I can't use my forearm. Why was I so stupid as to not even check the ship I was in. Why do I always mess up. Why can't I just do something right for once.

My fit is interrupted by that all too familiar voice. "Aw, is little blue all upset he lost his arm" that bastard Lotor, he can't see me like this, it'll make him think he won "mmh, a pathetic sight to see, rather sad that such a high and mighty paladin is now a sobbing mess in a Galran ship, don't you think?" I can barely contain how much anger I have for this man. The fact that he's come here to taunt me just further proves how much of a coward he is.

I wipe my tears off with my left arm, eyes remaining red and irritated. I grip the fork and rush up to him, aiming for his throat. I get so close to him, close enough to jam it into his jugular. But I'm blown back by the electric field In the doorframe.

As I get my bearings and open my eyes from being thrown into the wall, hard enough to see a small dent in it, I hear Lotor laughing at me. "You actually thought you could pull that off? Good luck trying to escape then, looks like we have nothing to worry about then." He continues laughing at me as he walks off, back to whatever stupid place he goes to. I crawl back over to the food they gave me and ate it. It tastes awful, acidic and sour. But I guess I'll need my strength to do survive around here.

Alright, for just a second I need to calm down and think. I have a fork, missing an arm but, don't think about that now. There's a vent, of course! I stand, barely able to stand straight up as my legs wobble underneath my weight, after steadying myself I get on the tips of my toes and manage to use the fork to unscrew the bolts. "Galra really are dumb huh, guess something's never change." I chuckled and pulled the grate off the vent before crawling inside. The air felt, more breathable as I could feel the air moving around inside the vents, this must be what supplies the ship with oxygen.

     Alright, let's make a list of what to do. I imagine to escape I'll need a distraction, if these vents lead to the oxygen supply, and me just sleeping through science class didn't effect my knowledge too much, then that would mean a lot of explosive materials are located nearby. If I follow these vents I could get to the oxygen storage area and remotely detonate it. Well to survive without oxygen, I'll most likely need my suit, or what's left of it, and my bayard. Then I'll need a ship, either mine or a Galran one.  Alright, I think that's everything, I can just follow these vents till I locate what I'm looking for. Good idea Lance.

     After traveling in the vents for what seemed like ages, my knees and elbow scuffed to hell and back, I finally arrive at what looks to be an armory. I've waited at the vent's entrance to the room for a bit, and by now the guards have cleared out, so I think it's safe to move.

      I unscrew the bolts and push out the grate. It crashes to the floor loudly and I freeze in place, holding my breath. For a bit I think I'm caught, however no one comes. I release my breath and begin to breath again. I scour the armory for my bayard till I happen upon something, interesting.

     It's a white and blue prosthetic arm, it's resting on a pedestal, it speaks of it being a creation for Lotor's mother's best soldiers, a creation by her majesty. Yeah, like I'd want to meet whatever created that hell spawn.

     I pull the arm off the pedestal and wait for a second for an Indiana Jones type trap, however nothing happens yet again. The arm is a bit bigger than my old one but as soon as I attach it to where my arm was cut off, it instantly shrunk almost and became the same size and shape as my old one, the hands fully articulated. Much to my surprise, it had a larger range of flexibility than normal human hands, allowing me to shift it so that it can grip whatever on the back of the hand, and I can fully rotate the wrist. No wonder this thing was on a pedestal. I imagine Shiro would, be, jealous.

     I feel my mouth curl into a frown as I think about my team. Do they care that I'm gone, I mean maybe Hunk but, after a bit wouldn't he just get over me and be better friends with Pidge. Am I really That unwanted on the team. No this isn't the time, this is a change of fate, I'm going to make it out of this place dammit!

Wanted to do more buttt, it's after midnight n I'm tired, next chapter will be epic I promise.

Also y'all keep saying it's good and it's making me highkey flustered but don't stop UwU

Keep burning bright you stars! 💫

Okay final note my girlfriend will prolly read this so if you do Bodza ilysm

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