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——Lance's POV——

     I open my eyes and sigh as I sit up "this will not be fun" I mutter quietly to myself. As I walk over to my desk where I set my pants on I look over at the bathroom.

Do it

I don't want to, blue says I've been getting better

She's lying to you, she hates you just like they all do

I nod to no one and walk into the bathroom. I reach into the small cubby and reach around till I feel the cold metal blade of my small pocket knife.

This is what you deserve

I sit down on the toilet with the lid down as I stare at my arms and thighs. Do I really need to do this, I feel like there's a better way.

No, you deserve this for being so annoying and taking the real blue paladins place

Oh, right. I begin doing my routine, my eyes well up with tears not only from the pain but the self hate and the knowledge of how much everyone hates me and that I'll never be able to go home.

I throw the knife across the room in anger and sadness at the thought of home. That small blue speck was meaningless compared to the entire universe. But to me it was my everything. I want to go home to Marco, and mama, and everyone else so I can have fun on the beach and eat garlic knots. Not on some cold metal ship where everyone hates me.

I wipe my eyes and speedily bandage up my limbs as I try to calm myself down. "I promised Hunk I wouldn't do it again" I silently yelled at myself.

He wouldn't even care, probably would laugh at you

No he wouldn't. Would he?

Of course he would, and Shiro would kick you off the team if he knew how much of a disappointment you are

I shake my head and get dressed into my armor. If it works for Keith it must work for me right? Right.

-time skip to when he's done with training-

I kneel down and pant as I try and catch my breath. So far I've gone up one level.

Everything hurts, I didn't have enough time to let my wounds heal so they're reopened and I was hit in the chest by the staff.

If Shiro saw how easily beaten down by a training bot he would gladly replace you with Allura

"Not now, I did good just give me a break" "uh, Lance who are you talking to?" I hear Shiro behind me. I jump up and try to make my breathing as normal as possible "uh, no one!" I say as confidently as I can. "Alright, well, I was wondering if you wanted to train"

He thinks you're weak

I nod at Shiro "yeah, sure" he smiles warmly at me "Alright, I assume you already have your bayard?" My bayard materializes in my hand and I hold it up. "Yup, good to go" he nods and walks over to the other side of the room "you won't need it, we're going to do a one on one, hand to hand". I throw my bayard to the side and get in position.

-sorry but 'nother time skip to after training-

Shiro kicked my ass. I sit on the ground with a water pouch and sigh "man, I can never win against you Shiro" he chuckles and smiles at me "seems that way" I smile back.

He's giving you pity

I frown at the voice and sigh. Shiro must've noticed because he looks over at me. "Is something wrong Lance?" I shake my head "oh, no I'm fine" I pause for a moment "just, tired".

I stand up "I'm going to head to my room, night Shiro" he waves at me as I walk out and into my room. Once inside I slide down sitting in front of my door. "Man I feel like shit" I announce to the darkness of my room.

You look like it too

I shake my head again and walk over to the bathroom and take off my armor. I unwrap my legs and arms and hop into the shower turning on the warm water. It feels nice, the warm water making my sore muscles not be so sore anymore.

I think back to Shiro smiling at me and laughing. Maybe I will be fine. Just maybe.

Black and blue I'm meant for you||Shance langstWhere stories live. Discover now