Right hand man|| 15

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Lance's POV

     Still marveling at my new arm I decided to test it out. My right arm reaching out for the metal door of the locker. As I grip the locker door I notice the prosthetic has enough grip strength to bend the metal, no doubt getting punched or even just held by it would break a bone. Or maybe Galrans just have really strong bones, who knows.

The door to the locker room opens up and I shove myself into the locker I had dented, praying they wouldn't see me and just be out quickly. "I swear man Zalpto's is better than Feeblers!" Are they arguing about, food? I didn't expect the Galra to care much about what they eat. The other Galran, about half the height of the other, refutes his claim. "Nah man you got it all wrong, Feeblers is lenient with their tab rules, I can rack up money in one store and go to the next, free food basically!" I manage to stifle a laugh but accidentally tap the side of the locker with my new metallic hand, causing a ding as I didn't expect it's weight.

They quickly shush eachother and pick back up the weapons they had lain down onto the bench. The tall one carefully approaches my side of the locker room. "What do you think that was? A prisoner?" The short Galran's eyes widen before shaking his head "Probably not, more likely the same rats that live'n Zalpto's!" He turns around and puts his finger onto the taller one's chest. "Not this again! Theres a Potential escapee and your main concern is food!"

The two get into what I can only assume is a usual Galran fight and begin throwing punches. While they fight over what space-turant is better I slip out of the locker, smoothly might I add, and manage to get out of the locker room.

The dimly lit purple halls only lead me to guess that it's currently "nighttime" on the ship. Thankfully that means that there may be less patrols. Bad news is that I'll have a harder time seeing and recognizing if I'm going in circles or not. I have no other choice so, I continue down the hall, the soft hum of the lights are the only thing keeping me focused, other than that it's silent.

     After what felt like a while of walking and passing unmarked rooms I stop at one simply labeled "hangar". You've gotta be kidding me, it's gonna be this easy? As I walk in I quickly notice two things. One, this is an overlook, something that is high up to monitor the activities taking place in the hangar. Two, there is only one guard here, and as soon as he sees me walk in he immediately pulls out his sidearm, a Galran laser pistol.

     I lurch forward and wrestle for control of the gun, a shot firing off into the ceiling but seemingly doing no damage to it. I pull it away and smack his head with the gun as hard as I could. He slumped over knocked out onto the floor. Around me is many consoles that all have Galran writing on them, Pidge would have a field day with all this. My face quickly turns to a frown as I think of them. Are they actually looking for me, I mean, do they think I'm dead and now I'll be replaced. What if I go back and I have been replaced, maybe it is for the best I just, don't go back.

     I don't even realize just how hard I'm gripping the pistol until I hear the handle begin to crack under the grip of my altean arm, seeing my arm like this reminds me of Shiro. As I thought of him my chest felt heavy, the last he saw of me I had angered him, failed yet again on an important mission. Maybe he's happy about replacing me, the last thing a commander would want in his men is a useless, weak willed soldier. And that's all that I am, aren't I.

     Sadly I don't have the luxury of stopping and thinking for a while. I shake my head and begin looking around, there's a large window out to the rest of the hanger. Too many Galra to fight but sneaking past them using the other ships for cover is a possibility. I can see my ship among the others, seems like they were going to strip it of parts soon. At least from here it seems intact.

     I turn away from the window and go to leave the room, the now useless gun, thanks to my episode, is discarded on the ground, lazily throwing it onto the unconscious Galran. The halls are so confusing, they wind seemingly at random, the small spaces start to get almost choking as I grow ever more tired of walking. Eventually I find it, the door I had been looking for. The label beside it reads "hangar lower" perfect, this means my ship is here. The door opens up to a large hangar, many ships are strewn about disorderly, either being scrapped or hastily repaired. My ships seems to be close to the middle of he field of half constructed ships and random parts.

     The guards patrolling seem to be more worried about the ships than actually looking for people. And as though my luck couldn't get any worse, I hear a loud, familiar voice come over the intercoms. "The blue paladin has escaped his holding chambers. First to find him is promoted to captain, and given his own squad!" My reaction to the loud voice was, unorthodox to say the least. I fell back onto a table of tools and parts and then had at least five garland quickly look in my direction. "Anyone uh, need a wrench?" I hold up the closest tool, they seem unamused as they hold up their sidearms and aim at me. Guess it was the wrong tool.


Aaah I am big dumb and like yeah and got way too involved in playing Bloodborne n D&D so yeah that's uh why I forgot it sorryyyyyyy.

For real doe I hope you don't mind how long it took for this part to come out, I don't use wattpad to read anything anymore so, might just move onto AO3 soon. See ya later, love ya!

⭐️✨stay bright ya stars✨⭐️

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