A silver thread|| 14

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Shiro's POV

     It's now day two of Lance being gone. The team has obviously suffered from it, Hunk and Coran more so than anyone. Obviously Keith is training, almost always begging me to do it with him. Allura is trying to remain composed but, she's told me how she doesn't know what to do with the lose of Lance. We've discussed letting her pilot blue but, we don't know if it would work yet. Hunk, Coran, and I have all been working the most with Pidge to find out how to track him down. This whole team is falling apart.

     As I lie in bed, I know I'm not going to get any sleep, no sense in remaining here if I can't. It feels like the air is almost heavy, without Lance's usual goofs on the others, and without Coran really having an outlet for his stories, everyone seems on edge. Constantly on guard. I don't really blame them really, when I was captured and separated from Pidge's brother and father I struggled to really get by. They had been like my safe place the entire trip. But once we were captured I had nothing to lean on. Like a two legged stool I collapsed under the pressure.

     My thoughts were quickly interrupted by an announcement from Allura throughout the ship. "Paladins come to the control room immediately!" She sounded, excited? That doesn't sound like the right way to describe it but, it's all I can think of. The realization of what time it was hit me when the lights suddenly shifted to that of their daytime mode. Blinding me for a second causing me to rub my now hurting eyes.

      As I got my bearings and could find my pants I slipped them on and didn't bother with a jacket, simple plain white tee from the space mall thank you very much.

     It was obvious we all hadn't gotten as much sleep as we would've liked to. Pidge seemed to be taking it the best while Keith, well he always was worse tired. Due to his already almost pale skin you could easily see the bags under his eyes, he was quicker with people and seemed to particularly dislike any mention of him training.

     Finally Allura began to talk as we all listened intently. "Paladins, thanks to the efforts of Pidge, we have managed to track Lance down to one specific ship-" Keith cutting her off very quickly, of course he did.

"With all do respect princess why aren't we going there now?" His tone was sharp, biting, just asking for trouble. Keith was like this too much when he was tired.

"Because he's in a difficult spot."
"I don't think that qualifies as a reason for us not to get back someone as valuable to us as a teammate!"

"Uh guys we shouldn't be fighting right now, we need to get Lance!" Hunk would obviously be opposed to fighting right now, he wants his best friend back. "Allura, Keith, stop this instant!" Coran, always trying to settle into the middle ground. Unfortunately they won't listen.

"Keith I'm going to ask you to stand down and let me explain myself!"

The arguments getting too heated, I need to intervene before it gets worse. "ENOUGH!" My hand smacks the table, causing a loud slamming sound and makes them then their focus to me. "Listen, Allura wants Lance back just as much as we do, but right now we need to not only find out who will fly the blue lion, but also who's aboard the ship, It could be Zarkon himself." Thankfully it seems like Keith at least understands my point, and sits back into his chair. He's obviously still angry but, thankfully he's done yelling.

We continue to debate about the best course of action until we settle an agreement. Our best course of action is to have Pidge detonate and EMP around the ship Lance is held in, causing he whole ship's power to be disabled. The gravity inside it as well, causing the soldiers to become off balance. Then, Hunk will use his lion to bust us into the hangar Bay Area and let us get out of the lion from there. After we've detonated the EMP and the castle can come in, we can start to focus on going deeper into the ship as the castle picks off enemy fighters. Once we find Lance we get back into the yellow lion and into the castle. Finally making it home safe with Lance. I just hope this massive dark cloud has a silver lining.

Now that I think about it. He's always looked up to me. Not only physically but, it seemed like he was really happy to see me, more so than people usually are. At first I thought it was a regular fan or something but. Then he began to show an interest in more than just me. He began to be curious on what I liked and wanted to listen to stories about my time in the Galran prison and garrison. Maybe I should talk to Lance more, might take a liking to him too, who knows.

Black and blue I'm meant for you||Shance langstWhere stories live. Discover now