Interesting meeting ||17

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Lance slowly lowers the alien like wrench and raises his hands "looks like you all got me, seriously didn't think I'd make it this far." His smirk grows, only feigning confidence against the Galran horde before him.

That is until a slow clap and a man walking into view changes his whole mood. "Well well Blue, since you've yet to give me your real name, you seem to have made it quite far" his clapping ceases as Lotor rests his hands on his hips "and here I was sitting in my room watching you fool all my soldiers, however you never truly were going to win Blue, you're too stupid to outsmart me." The snide remark causes Lance's blood to boil, what he wouldn't give to reach out and strangle the prince till his purple-ish skin looks blue.

     Lotor steps closer now this time placing his hand on his sword, and while it remains in its sheath he casts it to the ground. "I have a more, fun, proposition" a sickening smile grows on Lotor's face, alluding to something Lance really would rather not know "if you win in a fight against me, I'll order my men to step down and subsequently let you go."

     Lance was taken aback, such a proposition would somehow have the odds stacked against him, and yet Lance couldn't make out a reason he couldn't take down this royal twink. "Well Blue? What will it be, want to take the gamble?" The prince now cracking his knuckles, sizing up his opponent.

     "Fine, lets go, it'll be over quick so I don't have to look at your ugly mug!" To be truthful Lance had no clue if he could win or not, the prince was about his size and could have a lot more training than him. However, Lance was snapped out of his thoughts by a firm slug to the jaw causing him to hit his back on the table of tools behind him. "Come on Blue, you don't have the liberty of taking your time, it's my life or yours!" Shaking off that first punch Lance goes for Lotor, wildly attacking and throwing punches. Lotor dodges almost all of them, only one of Lance's throws lands right on his nose providing an oh so pleasing crack for Lance.

     However, the blood isn't red like normal, in fact it's a completely wrong color. A black liquid begins to pour from Lotor's nose, causing him to wipe it with his arm. Lance looks on with a mixture of fear and disgust as Lotor begins to laugh to himself. "Of all the Lance's I've fought, you're the first after the original that has landed a blow on me." Lance's mind is racing with this new information, all of the Lance's? Are there others? What could he mean?

     Lotor's nose finishes bleeding and he looks Lance right in the eyes "I suppose you have some questions, seeing as now I have to kill you now, no harm in answering them." He cracks his neck and it's obvious now something is wrong with Lotor. "In the original universe I'm from we were friends for a bit Blue, your name was Lance, now I don't know if it's your name in this universe but." He takes a long pause, remembering it all "but with he help of your princess, we discovered the secrets behind quintessence, and with that we were bathed in ancient knowledge." His face once more turned into that crooked smile, now grinning from ear to ear "you all tricked me, into the quintessence field, and you left me in that godforsaken place." The grin slowly turned into that of malice, slowly walking towards Lance. "You all left me there, abandoned and alone. And yet I was born again, bathed in what felt like the waters of Eden, Lance, it became an unbearable but enlightening experience." Now in range Lotor firmly gripped the shoulders of Lance's shirt and pressed him against the wall. "From what I saw in there Lance I knew what I had to do, I knew how to get out, and so I shed my own mortal coil for this, shell, of my former self." He stared at his own right hand, now loosening his grip of Lance in his left.

     "You see what I'm getting at Lance, I left everything behind, and now I will not stop until every single universe, is barren of any trace of existence of the voltron team, and myself. Only then may I finally rest" Lotor's anger peaks as he slams his fist into the wall beside Lance's head, the metal denting with Lotor's hand turning into a mess of bone and black blood. "I am no longer limited by the bounds of this universe Lance, now you run, and you run as fast as you can, make peace with you god, and when the day comes Lance" he paused to look Lance in the eyes, taking in a deep breath. "I will relish, in your unwavering misery Lance, you will suffer."

     Lance decided now was the time to go, sprinting out a nearby door and running wherever he could go in these winding halls. The Galran soldiers were about to head after him before Lotor ordered them to stand down. "I've decided I'll make this one, a more interesting kill." Lotor chuckled to himself before walking over and picking his sword back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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