Bastard Prince|| 13

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Shiro's POV (finally lmao)

     A don't even wait for Hunk's lion to fully land before I hop out of it. Being met with the cold castle floor I managed to roll in time thanks to my training at the garrison. As soon as I'm out of the hangar I rush to the control room, my entire body hurts as I breathe heavily, trying my hardest to abstain from breaking down. None of my training could help now, everything up until this moment I could handle. Battles? Easy pilot tactics. But now that we've lost a teammate, and one such as Lance. I'm afraid he might not make it.

      The doors open to the control room, Allura and Coran walk over and ask how it went. I just ignore them and start messing with the consoles. "Allura, is there any way we can track eachother?!" My breathing is only getting worse, I can feel how heavy my armor is, I can't even see out of my peripheral vision. "I suppose, the suits have a tracker built into them- wait why would you need to track a paladin, and where is Lance?"

     Good timing as Hunk came in and began yelling as well. "Lance was kidnapped, captured, whatever you call it by the Galra!" His helmet was off, and so was a majority of the armor. He was struggling to catch a breath much like me.

     As the console didn't reach the result I wanted I threw my helmet off and onto the wall, causing the screen on it to shatter onto the ground. "We need to find Lance now, I know better than anyone here what the Galra do to their prisoners." I can't keep going like this, it's so hard to stay conscious, my entire body feels like it's on fire.

     Before I know it I'm on the ground. Down on all fours, well, my hand is currently gripping onto the collar of my suit. I can't even think straight, I need to get this off of me. And that's my last thought before the whole world goes dark and I pass out.

-time skip, 6 hours-

     As I wake I look around to see I'm in my bed, still in my armor from earlier. Coran notices I'm awake and slowly stands up from the chair he had pulled to my bedside. "Shiro, you had a panic attack, that combined with the exhaustion from the mission and trauma from seeing your teammate- friend, get taken away" he clears his throat, seems like me and Hunk won't be the only ones struggling. Coran breathes deeply before speaking again. "It must have overworked your body, you've been asleep for a bit and I wanted to watch over you." The old Altean is as kind and caring as ever, no wonder him and Lance always had a good relationship. "Thank you Coran" I need to keep acting like I have everything together, even if I don't "any idea on where Hunk and Allura is?"

     I get out of the bed, only then do I realize how tired my legs feel. "They're in the control room, along with Pidge. They're currently  working on finding Lance" he put his hand onto my shoulder and looked me in the eyes "Lance is the closest I've come to having my son back, please, for his sake and my own, get him back, in one piece preferably". We chuckled together, dark jokes are still jokes, needed in a time such as this.

     As I walk down the hall of the castle, it's lights nearly blinding me when I first came out of my room, I notice the faint sound of metal clashing. "Keith you better not" but Keith did. Inside the training room resided an exhausted looking Keith, and what appears to be his knife lying across the floor.

     "Keith, what did I tell you about training for too long?" I could see Keith's bruised knuckles from the door, he always did try too hard in training. "Listen, with Lance gone I have no real" he scrambled for words, using erratic hand gestures before giving up "y'know just, no outlet, this is all I have now." Sighing I walked over and picked up his knife for him "Keith the last thing I want is to have two paladins out of commission. Note how I say out of commission for both of you, meaning it's temporary." Knowing it helped me a bit, I tried Coran's tactic and place my hand on his shoulder. "We're gonna get Lance back Keith, I promise." Keith's angered expression soften, until it was completely gone, by then he had stuffed his face into my shoulder and gripped me tightly, like he used to at the garrison when he was younger. "Mmh, it's gonna be okay Keith, I promise."

     To be truthfully honest I have no clue if it will be okay. Right now my main concern is getting this team in working order so we can get him back. God this would be so much easier with Lance here.



Anyways I think it do be time for some emotional relief with some wholesome shiro n team interactions. If anyone has ptsd please let me know if I wrote it okay, I don't want to offend anyone by misrepresenting it.

💫Stay bright you stars 💫

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