Calm time||7

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=====Lances POV=====

As I exit my room I stare down the hall, it takes me a few before my feet finally obey what I tell it and start moving towards the kitchen. However, before I know it I have arrived at the med-bay.

     What was I doing here? I swear I was walking towards the kitchen. Am i more hurt from the mission than I thought?

Or you're just that stupid you got lost somehow.

     My thoughts were interrupted by two bodies colliding into me. I quickly pushed them off and jumped up before I could see who it was.
"Back off Lance!" Of course it had to be Keith, then that must mean the other is. "Keith relax, he was probably coming to check on you" Shiro looked up at me with that knowing smiled he does, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"as you would do for him" Shiro more so spoke through his teeth and shoulder bumped Keith to respond.

"Why would I?"

"Because he's a valuable member of our team!"

"He is? Last I checked he was the reason we got caught a couple missions ago!"

"ENOUGH!" I pushed past them both, shoulder checking both of them on my way into the med-bay. "I am here for Hunk!" Shiro barely budged, Keith flew into the doorframe. "Yeah run from a fight coward!" I head Keith screech at me before being dragged off by Shiro.

I fell and slumped down into a steel chair next to where Hunk sat. He looked up at me as he was cleaning up a table from the food he gave Keith. "What's wrong Lance? You seem a bit worse for wear". Hunks face grew to a concerned expression as he fueled his eyebrows and focused all attention on me.

     "No it's nothing I'm fine Hunk" I sighed and rested my head in my hands. "Lie to me again and no more earth food for a week, what's wrong?" Hunk's tone became more aggressive, and so did his concern for me grow, I could hear that same tone back at the garrison whenever I was chewed out by any of the teachers. "Hunk I'm telling you I'm fine, just struggling with my wounds from the mission and I came here for meds" lying seemed easy to most of the team but, Hunk has known me for too long, I really gotta say thanks to that loving fool.
     He gave me a sigh and shook his head "Lance you can't let stuff keep eating you up, I'm here for you to talk, I always will be man" he placed his hand on me shoulder, giving me a half smile.

It's pity, it's always been pure pity

     Just let me have this dammit. I reached up and hugged Hunk, it felt nice to just, be held again. "Thank you Hunk, I know you will be" I can't, I can't cry in front of Hunk, he'll think I'm weak.

Why don't you already, they already know you are, they all know how weak and pathetic you are

     I bit my lip hard, tasting the metallic liquid on my tongue before I pulled away from Hunk. "Thanks Hunk but I really am alright, just being away from home and all". I smiled at the man to reassure him, I never liked to worry people.

You don't worry anyone, they all don't care

     "Alright, I need to wash these dishes off before they get stained. However long the Alteans have been alive and they haven't discovered stainless utensils? How did they survive". I couldn't help but share a laugh with Hunk. Hunk really did always make me laugh, I almost miss the days we spent at the Garrison laughing at each other's dumb jokes and playing videogames to the early hours of the night, trying not to get our console confiscated.

Well that explains why you're such an awful pilot

     Shut it, I'm with my best friend, let me be happy. As Hunk walks off with the dishes I look down at the table and see some weird looking alien dish and a fork. He left it here for me, he knew I'd come to him, that lovable idiot. Thanks Hunk, I needed some calm time.  

Black and blue I'm meant for you||Shance langstWhere stories live. Discover now