A brief respite|| 16

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Me writing this knowing damn well I have work in the morning.
Shiro's POV

     Pidge has spent the last two days just working on the EMP. Allura and Coran located a small room that was vacant on the ship that Pidge and Hunk could have as a sort of lab. The two seem to be coping with eachother, becoming closer after the loss of Lance. It's almost heartwarming, if it weren't for the context.

     As I sat at the dining table, staring into my cup of Altean "coffee" that Coran had sworn was good. In reality it was far more bitter than any dark coffee I've had on earth, but the bitterness is a fine distraction. Keith gets my attention however by pulling my drink away from me, "how long are you going to sit here and watch your coffee" he wasn't irritated, no, he sounded more concerned if anything. Sighing I push my chair back and stand up to face Keith. "Just wanted some down time Keith, that's all" I hadn't realized how raspy my voice had gotten from the coffee's bitterness causing me to cough into my hand. "If you really want some down time, maybe we could all do a team game or exercise, something to take our minds off the er- situation on our hands" Keith rubs the back of his neck, I can't imagine it's very comfortable talking about such a thing, it's even harder to think how I could've prevented it. "Yeah, that's a fine idea Keith, go get in gear and I'll talk with Allura about it". Picking up the cup and simply placing it onto the counter I begin heading for my own room.

    After changing into my own armor and splashing some cold water on my face to rid myself of my malaise after I had been sedentary for a while I head to the bridge of the ship, now seeking out Allura.

     The Altean princess had not been there apparently, Coran intercepted me as I was heading into the bridge. "You're not gonna find her on there, she's sleeping, and she needs it so you best not disturb the princess." He pulled at his mustache and crossed his arms proudly "she passed out while staying up and looking at resistance outposts in Zarkon's empire, luckily I was there to catch her!" A smile crept onto my face as I watched the older man lament on his heroics. "And then subsequently took her to bed, so what did you need Shiro?" His question snapped me out and back into focus. "Uh, so Coran" I hastily got my thoughts straightened out and started again "Coran, Keith has brought it to my attention that a lot of the team has been, off I suppose, after the Lance incident especially" I could see Coran's eyes loose their usual sparkle, his smile now replaced with a tight-lipped, straight face "I know it's hard on all of us, but right now I believe we need an activity to take our minds off it, ease us for a bit.

     I awaited for Coran's response, and with a heavy sigh, he delivered. "I think that's a good idea Shiro, it's what Lance would've wanted" Coran's next move was one I wasn't expecting and caused me to tense up. Coran wrapped his arms around me and I could hear his voice break "It's- It's difficult, without any one of you". Not sure what to do I just put my arms around him too, patting his back lightly. We stood there for a bit, Coran wept on my shoulder for a while before pulling away and fervently wiping his eyes. "Thank you Shiro, I'll inform the princess about your idea when she wakes." I nod and we part ways, Coran obviously feeling a little better and, me now walking off having seen a new side of the man.

Alright alright, I know it's short I'm sorry, I'm working hard on the next chapter and have some big stuff planned. It's been difficult to focus on writing with things going on in my personal life and such but I'm hoping I can ramp up the quantity while retaining the "quality" of my work.

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