Chapter 3

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*Nash's P.O.V*

I actually have always liked Hanna. I just have to bully her to stay popular. we used to be bestfriends but now she hates me because I'm such a dick to her.

*Hanna's P.O.V*

"So are you ready to go?" Nash said trying to make me move faster, i can tell he didn't want to be seen with me

"Um.. yeah" I said grabbing my book bag out of my locker

"Nash why are you talking to that slut?" Someone yelled

"I wasn't" Nash said as he slammed me up against the locker making everyone in the hall laugh. I hit my shoulder on the locker really hard.

"Oh you were talking to her like that? Good, give her what she deserves." Connor laughed "wish i could stay and chat along but i am getting the fuck out of here. Bye hanna." Connor winked at me while walking past, i waited for a couple seconds so i couldn't see connor anymore.

"I'll walk home so you wont have to get made fun of from talking to me." I said walking away, grabbing my new bruise. That really hurt. Why does he have to put his hands on me?

"Just put this sweat shirt on your head." Nash said putting his sweatshirt over my head. I took it off and threw it onto the ground.

"Ill be at your house in 15 minutes." I said, fuck this shit.

I started walking out of school and I tripped over someone's foot, a fimilar face, brittney, one of nash's whores.

"Oops. Sorry" She said laughing. I just ignored her and continued walking and crying the way home

I finally got to Nash's house and I knocked on the door looking down.

"hey. come in.." Nash said. Nash put his hand up to shut the door and I flinched because I thought he was going to hit me

"What's wrong?" Nash asked

"I thought you.. um.. were going to hit me." I said looking down.

"oh.. um.. Lets do the project." Nash said as we walked in

"Wow. it looks so different in here." I said

"Well you haven't been here in 3 years." Nash laughed

"I wonder why." I said sarcastically. Nash looked sad

"Hanna!" Hayes came up and hugged me

"Hayes!" I said hugging him back. Hayes was always the sweetest little brother I never had, but wish i did.

"I haven't seen you in so long! I miss you! Where have you been? Why don't you come around anymore?" hayes asked me a million questions

"Oh.. um.. I don't really know." I said

"Lets go in my room Hanna." Nash said guiding me to his room

Once we got there I was tearing up, " what? Why are you crying?" Nash asked
" Hayes shouldn't have to ask me where i have been, I should've been there for him this last 3 years, but i couldn't because of you." I said balling. Nash then did something he hasn't done to me in 3 years. He hugged me "Why are you hugging me, you wish i were dead so i didn't cause you troubles."

"I don't wish you were dead hanna, i would genuinely miss you." Nash said

"Yeah I'm sure, you wouldn't fucking miss me. You love telling me to kill my self and to slice my wrist and judge me on how i look. Is that what youd miss? Being rude?" I said pushing Nash away

"My friends tell me too" Nash said looking down

"whatever. I cant wait till cameron comes tomorrow, one day where i don't have to be at school." I said wiping my tears, thinking positive about cameron

"Cameron?" Nash looked like he saw a ghost, he knew who i meant, i wanted him to make sure he knew who i meant as well.

"Cameron Dallas... your bestfriend." i said smiling and Nash's mouth made an 'O' shape

"really?!?" Nash said nervously

"Yeah. this is due in a month so, I'm leaving. I don't care about your little issue with me, i'm out." I said walking out of his room

"wait!" Nash said

"What." I said harshly

"give me your number so u can text you. ya know so we can work on the project." Nash said

"Oh and when I give it to you will you put me in as cutter? bitch? or slut? so you wont lose your popularity from having my name in your phone?" I said sarcastically

"No. ill put you in as Camerons cousin" he said. I just walked out and didn't say anything
"you're unbelievable." i laugh as i walk out, i hate nash. I hate him so much.
"Bye Hayes" I said to hayes before leaving

"Bye Hanna" he said back as I walked out the door.

Can Cameron come sooner?

When I got in my house I looked at my shoulder in the mirror. It has hurt since I got slammed against my locker.
"Oh my gosh" I said while tears flooded out of my eyes. there was a huge black and blue mark on my shoulder.
I just went to bed. I didn't even care if it was 4:00. I need to get away from everything.

Before I could my mom came in my room

"Cameron is coming at 8:00 in the morning tomorrow! are you going to sleep?" my mom asked

"Okay yay! and yeah I don't feel good. Good night" I said to my mom

"Good night honey." my mom said and kissed my cheek

once my head hit my pillow I fell into a deep sleep.

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