Chapter 18

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

Jack has been comforting me more then Nash has ever and I just met him!

We reached the arcade and started playing some games

"Russell! You said you play basketball. Lets see how you are!" Jack said pointing to a basketball shooting game.

"You're on Gilinsky!" I said nudging his arm, even with my broken arm, i know i am going to beat him. I know i'm good at basketball, basketball makes me happy.

"If I win.. I get to kiss you." Jack said wiggling his eyebrows

"Ok. What if I win?" I said smiling

"Then you get to kiss me." Jack said laughing

"So someone is getting kissed?" I asked laughing

"Yup!" Jack said smiling

"Fair enough." I said smiling back

We put in 50¢ each into the machine and it was time to start playing this arcade game.

"Ready? Go!" the machine said while the basketballs came down for us to shoot. they gave us a minute to shoot as many baskets as we can.

I made 64 and Jack made 62

"Fuck! 2 points behind." Jack said making me laugh "Oh well I still get a kiss" Jack said smiling

"Indeed you do." I said smiling and pulling him in for a kiss. we pulled apart and smiled at eachother.

"I beat you with a broken arm!" I said laughing

" very funny" Jack said rolling his eyes jokingly "maybe you beat me at this little arcade game but how about I challenge you at a real game." Jack asked

"Go on.." I said wanting to know more

"Well, I saw there was a basketball court up the street. You pick players and ill do the same." Jack said

"Alright. Do you want another kiss when you lose again?" I asked laughing

"Maybe a little more." Jack said winking then walking off to find everyone else. This boy better stop winking or i might just have to kiss him right here harder and longer.

Everyone agreed to play so we just will switch out. 5 people on the court at once.

We got to the basketball court and I started picking people on my team

"Hanna and I are the captains. Ill pick first." Jack said and everyone nodded

"Jack" Jack said

"Cam" I said and he smiled

"Carter" Jack said

"Shawn" I said "Canadians can ball" I said high fiving Shawn making everyone laugh

"Matt" Jack said

"Taylor" I said

"Dillon" Jack said

"Aaron" I said

"Nash" Jack said

"Hayes" I said and he hugged me

"And Jacob!" Jack said

"I suck at basketball." Jacob said laughing. same as everyone else

"So on my team its, Jack, Carter, Matt, Dillon, Nash, and Jacob and on Hanna's its Cam, Shawn, Taylor, Aaron, and Hayes?" Jack said. everyone nodded

"You're going down Russell." Jack said winking.

"In your dreams Gilinsky" I said smiling back. I looked over to Nash and he was pissed.


Authors Note

Jack is kankyyyyyyy lol

Updating either tonight or tomorrow!

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Love you all∞

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