Chapter 17

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

"Ok... it was 4th grade." I said while Jack was listening

*Hanna telling Flashback*

I came off of the bus into my house. I saw my dad drinking beer.

"Hi daddy!" I said giving him a hug

"Shut the fuck up you ugly piece of shit!" My dad said pushing me on the floor

"Ouch daddy! That hurt!" I said crying

He started unbuckling his belt. I had no idea what was happening, I was only 10.

"Daddy what are you doing!?" I screamed

He started smacking me with the belt, i had been hit and pushed around by him all the time, but never pin like this, this was awful, it hurt my little innocent body so much. I screamed bloody murder. I didn't know what just happened.

Luckily my mom came home and called the police and my dad was arrested and sent to prison. That was the last time I saw that my "father."

*End of Flashback*

I was crying into Jack's shirt

"Please don't tell anyone" I said crying

"I wont babe. I cant believe that monster did that. I couldn't imagine going through that" Jack said hugging me tighter

"I cut myself till I was 11.. I stopped for 2 years until that situation happened with Nash." I said as Jack rubbed off my tears

"How long haven't you cut yourself for now?" Jack asked looking into my eyes

"A week today." I said smiling

"I'm so proud of you." Jack said hugging me again

"You give the best hugs" I said into his ear making him chuckle.

We were silent for a moment until he asked a question

"Hanna?" Jack asked

"Yes?" I said

"What did Nash do to you. Why did you stop being friends?" he asked

I sighed. 


"Hey Hanna.. wanna go on a date tonight?" Nash said with sincere eyes this gave me chills throughout my whole body, I swear to god I have been waiting for this moment since we were 8 years old.

"I'd love too!" I always had a crush on Nash, I was so happy, I would never say no to him. We got to dinner and Nash was asking me about my dad and what he did to me. he already knew so I didn't know what was going on

"So.. what happened with your dad? what did he do to you?" Nash asked with a confused look on his face. What? How didn't he know? He knows everything about me.

"I thought you already knew.." I said

"I forgot" Nash said looking down. I could tell something was up, but I told him anyways.

"My dad abused me when I was 10 and he was an alcoholic and I used cut myself everyday after that. but I stopped when I was 11." I said saddened by the terrible memories of my past. You can always try to forget, but you never fully forget, it will always be something engraved in my brain.

"Bravo" I heard claps coming to our table "Thanks Nash!"  Connor, Tanner, and Joe appeared in plain sight holding a camera pointed directly at my face, their evil laughs filled my ears, making me tense up in my seat.

"Wave to the camera Hanna." connor had such an evil smirk planted acrossed his face, "shouldn't of been a bitch."

"I'm sorry" Nash mouthed to me, I could tell he was upset, I didn't care. Why me? What have I done to make these boys hate me so much? What have I done to anyone?

"Never ever talk to me again, i hate you, i will always hate you!" I yelled and stormed out of the restaurant. 24 hours, that's how long it took for the video to spread around the whole school everyone saw it, and that's when all of this bullying starte

*End of flashback*

"I want to punch him right in the fucking face!" Jack said furious

"Its ok. It was 3 years ago." I said reassuring him

"You're the strongest person Ive ever met." He gave me a smile and I smiled back

Out of no where, Jack grabbed my face and crashed his lips into mine. Our lips moved in sync but not for long, before anything got further Cam walked onto the balcony

"Hey guys I was- Woah sorry" Cam laughed

"No its alright." Jack laughed

"Oh ok. Wanna go to the arcade with us?" Cam asked

"Yes!" I said like a little kid making them laugh

"Oh and Hanna, the management team is going to sign you, nash and hayes up for online school, We are going to be here for 3 weeks and Bart said he wants you to be part of all the Magcons because he likes you." Cam said

"Yes! I'm so happy!" I said hugging Cam then Jack

"Lets go to the arcade!" Jack said as we got up.

"We cant stay out late though, we have a meet and greet tomorrow" Cam said

"Yeah, yeah." I said while we joined the rest of the boys and headed to the arcade


Authors Note


Thanks so much for 300+ reads!!

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Love you all∞

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