Chapter 40

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

I accidentally got high last night off weed brownies. Honestly, being high was a weird feeling.

I woke up in Nash's arms. he looked adorable in his sleep. I didn't want to wake him since it was only 10:30 A.M.

Shit! What happened to Laura? Did she get home Ok?

I dialed her number

"Hello?" She said in a tired voice

"Laura! Are you okay? How did you get home?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm fine" she laughed "I got a ride home. The real question is how are you Mrs. Stoned" She laughed

"I'm great" I laughed too, trying not to be loud so I wouldn't wake Nash "Do you have a hang over? You had a lot to drink"

"Yeah my fucking head hurts" she groaned and laughed at the same time "I have to go. Bye stoned slut" She laughed

"Bye drunk whore" I laughed to and we both hung up. I love our friendship

I then got a text from Gilinsky

Jack: Hi Hanna! Guess what?

Me: Hey! And what??

Jack: Me and Mary are official!

Me: OMFG! I'm so happy for you!

Jack: Thanks:) But please don't let the fans find out. You can tell Hayes and Nash but, tell them not to make it public. I don't want them to kill Mary with their words.

Me: Okay! I promise.

Jack: Thanks so much, Hanna:) see ya!

Me: Np, Jack:) See you later!

we then stopped talking. I was happy for Mary and Jack. They were perfect for eachother.

I decided to tweet to the fans

@HannaRussell: Goodmorning, beautiful people

Hayes then tweeted me back

@HayesGrier: Thanks:) ik I'm beautiful. can I hang with u and Nash today plssss?! there is nothing to do!

I tweeted him back

@HannaRussell: i gotchu;) ill make him take us for icecream or somthin' :'D

he tweeted back again


I favorited his tweet. I went on instagram and vine and before I knew it, it was 11:30 A.M. I decided to wake Nash up.

"Wake up!" I held out the word as I shook him

"mmmm" he groaned. I sat up

"Hamilton Nash Grier. Wake up before I make you!" I said in a serious tone. He then sat up too.

"Call me Nash, babe" he kissed my cheek and I giggled. His morning voice tho. oh my God.

"Oh my gosh! Guess what?!" I said excitedly

"O-m-g what ?" Nash said in a girl voice and I laughed

"Jack and Mary are dating!" I said

"I knew they were going to" Nash chuckled and ran his fingers through his messy hair.

"I know" I paused "You cant let the fans know though. you know how it is"

"Yeah I know" he nodded "So I was thinking we could grab some lunch and then make a video?" he asked

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