Chapter 41

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

"Hey guys!" Connor said walking closer to Nash and I.

" Connor" I said nervously

"What's up?" He brought me into a hug and I gasped. he then let go of me knowing I wasn't comfortable.

"Nash." he let out his hand to give him a handshake but, all nash did was nod his head.

"Why are you acting like that?" Connor paused "I thought we were friends."

"Why would I want you to be friends with someone who made me bully the one I love?" Nash said harshly

"It was your choice to be a part of it." Connor rolled his eyes

"It was your choice to even bully her" Nash said. I was looking down the whole time. I didn't want to make this anything bigger

"You act like you know my whole fucking story." Connor glared at Nash. luckily there was no one around

"I know you are a dick." Nash sighed

"I'm a dick?" Connor chuckled "Maybe if you knew my story you wouldn't be saying that"

"spill" Nash shrugged

Connor shook his head

"fine. but, if people find out I'll be pissed." He said seriously and Nash just nodded his head

"Alright. my dad got diagnosed with cancer when I was 11. The doctors said he had about two years to live. I was there every fucking day, by his bed. and they were right. He died the day after Hanna rejected me. I honestly wasn't even mad that she rejected me. I just thought it was a good way to let my anger out. I felt like an awful person every time I said something to you, Hanna. I made fun of you for cutting yourself when, really. I was making fun of my self. I pretended you were me. When I called you a name, I was saying it to myself. When i hit you, I wanted to do that to myself." he paused and started rolling up his sleeves. I couldn't believe it "I wear long sleeves everyday." He looked down at his cuts

"Dude, I didn't know-" Nash got cut off

"its alright." he sighed rolling down his sleeves "Hanna. I'm very sorry. I know you could never fully forgive me. but, could you atleast trying?" He asked

"Connor.. I don't know what to say." I felt so dumbfounded "I can try." I gave him a warm smile. He opened his arms, indicating me to hug him. this time, I gladly excepted his hug. He then gave Nash a hug.

"Connor, we have to get going!" a nice older looking women said go Connor smiling. I'm guessing was his mother.

"I better get going" Connor shrugged "See you guys around" He slighty smiled and took off.

"What just happened?" I asked speechless

"I honestly couldn't tell you." Nash said, also speechless.

"Did you know about his dad? or about any of that?" I asked

"Nope. Nothing" Nash said

"We should.. um.. get those eggs, yeah?" I asked

"Yeah." Nash nodded and grabbed two egg cartons

Connor Franta had just changed me in some way that I couldn't even figure out I just felt...changed. More confident.

We paid then left the store. When we arrived to our houses we both changed into clothes that we didn't care if they got dirty. By this time, we stopped talking about what had happened at the grocery store. Nash set up his camera and turned it on

"Hi guys! its Nash and I'm with the lovely Hanna Russell" Nash smiled at me

"Hey guys!" I waved to the camera

"And today we are doing the boyfriend/girlfriend tag!" Nash smiled big

"And he is going to get all these WRONG" I laughed

"Or nah" Nash smirked at me and kissed me quickly on the cheek "Okay so if one of us gets an answer wrong than we have to smash an egg in eachothers head" We showedthe camera our eggs "The winner gets to tweet whatever they want off of the losers tweeter."

"Alright! first question Hanna! How and when did we meet?" Nash asked

"When I moved next to you when we were nine-eight!" I accidentally said 9

"Nope. you got that wrong!" he grabbed an egg "You said 9 first"

"On accident!" I laughed as he smashed the egg. Nash was laughing really hard. same with me.

"Its falling down my face!" I said. Nash then grabbed a towel off the ground and whipped the egg off my face.

"Better?" He smiled as I looked deep into his beautiful blue eyes. I just wanted to makeout with him like crazy, but i couldn't. We were fliming a video

"Better than egg in my eye" I chuckled "Okay, my turn to ask a question! when was our first date?" I asked

"Um- do I um.. count the-" I cut him off

"No." is all I said as I thought about that date in 8th grade.

"Then today" He giggled

"Yes!" I gave him a high five and he put his arm around Mg shoulder

"I'm a good boyfriend" He smiled and I laughed

"What's my favorite T.V. show?" He asked

"FRIENDS!" I said loudly

"Yes" He smiled

"What's my favorite color?" I smiled at him

"You have never told me this!" he said

"I have told you this so many times!" I said

"Pink!" Nash said

"Oh my gosh." I grabbed an egg and smashed it onto his head and we we both laughed really hard

"Ew! what was it!?" Nash asked as he was getting egg off his face

"Purple!" I whipped egg off his face


10 minutes later.

"Okay guys. so I won, and I get to tweet something on Hanna's twitter" Nash said and I handed him my phone

"I said 8" I laughed

"You're still on that?" He laughed too

"Just tweet your thing" I sighed making him laugh.

"Okay I got it!" Nash said "I tweeted 'Nash is my most favorite person in the world and I love pinecones'." Nash laughed and so did I.

"So that's the video guys! I hope you enjoyed! Our social media links will be done below so make sure to go check it out! Also give this video a thumbs down if you liked it! See ya guys!" Nash said and we both waved till he ended the video.

"I promised Hayes we would take him for ice cream" I said

"Good because I'm craving ice cream" Nash said and I laughed

We went to get Hayes and we all went for ice cream. Hayes posted a picture with me and Nash too with our ice cream.

It was fun hanging out with them.


Authors Note:

Yes I used Nash's tweet that he did in Carters video.

Sorry I haven't updated in like 4 days!! :(

I have been busy getting school supplies and hanging out with friends before we have to go back to school.

We go back a week from today (Sept. 3rd)

Thanks for 14.1K reads!!!!! ily guys<3

Next chapter is Dallas Magcon..

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