Chapter 10

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

"So does that mean he's leaving O2L?" I asked in confusion

"Yeah. I guess so." Nash said and Cam nodded

"Can I text him on your phone Nash?" I asked. Nash nodded and threw me his phone.

I then texted Connor:

hey Connor, its Hanna. look.. I'm sorry for rejecting you in 8th grade and I forgive you. I watched you video on youtube and now I know why you did it. Depression sucks. See ya around.

two minutes later he answered by saying:

No, Hanna. Don't even say sorry. It was 8th grade and I put you through shit. I was just depressed.. I wish i could take it all back.. what do you say. Friends?(:

I should Nash and Cam the messages. They told me I shouldn't be friends with him, but I decided to be friends with him.

I sent back:


Hopefully that doesn't come back to bite me.

"You're so beautiful" Nash said looking into my eyes making me blush

"You're so freaking cheesy Grier." Cam says making me giggle and Nash glare at him

"Come here" Nash said taking my hand leading me in his room

"Ok." I said grabbing his hand, nit knowing what we were doing

"No funny business" Cam said making Nash laugh

We got up to his room and he closed the door behind him, i sat in his bed while he was standing up. He joined me and sat on his bed as well, we didn't speak for a couple seconds

"can i kiss you?" nash said breaking the silence

"i don't know, i don't know if this is a good idea, not yet anyway-"
I was stopped by full wet lips attaching to my own, causing my breathing to become uneven. I can't believe this is happening, i know it shouldn't be, but for some reason i don't want it to stop. God, why don't I want it to stop? It feels so wrong but so right. My lips against his felt amazing even though i hate to say it. I feel a thousand butterflies fluttering in my stomach, i'm going crazy at the thought of kissing him. Kissing my bully. i swear to god this boy hated me, but now he's kissing me. Now that i've had a taste I came to the realization that I may never get enough of his lips. He's feeling everywhere up my back and my arms while he started kissing me deeper and harder, this could make anyone fall in love, this made me realize this need I've never known before. Do i need Nash? I don't know. This boy is driving me crazy right now. What is he doing to me? I felt as if I was melting into the big bed that i was on once he flips us so that he is laying on top of my small body. I have never really made out with anyone before but he is making me feel like i make out everyday, why does this make me feel so amazing. How is this person making me feel so good? So many questions are running through my head right now. I don't think i want it to stop. I'm so weak. Did i secretly love him? No hanna shut up. Stop thinking. Just kiss this boy. It's just a kiss it doesn't matter. He then broke the kiss apart.

"If you want me to stop, tell me now," he whispered. I couldn't breath or talk, this feels so right, i feel like it should stop but no, not right now, this is bad but so good. "hanna?" he says again, i realized i didn't answer him because i am so lost in thought.
I reached up to his prompt up body and pulled him down to me. He kissed me gently but i feel like i wanted more. Why do i feel like this. I can not be getting all hot from my bully can i? Ew, no i'm not horny. My hands were doing it on there own i swear, i pulled him against me harder deepening our kiss more. He groaned softly, i could feel the vibrations of his whimper in his throat, Nash unzipped my Jean shorts and tried taking them off. This is where i drawed the line. Not today Nash, you only can get a sneak peak.

"Nash.. we should stop." I said looking into his big bright blue eyes, holding his hand back from taking off my shorts.

"Oh..Ok.. sorry." Nash said looking sad and he zipped my shorts back up.

"That's ok." I said kissing his cheek making him blush.


"yes?" I said still trying to catch my breath

"i can't believe that just happened." he shook his head in disbelief

"this is really weird..." i laughed "i'm asking a thousand questions in my head right now, i'm going a little crazy."

"me too," nash laughed "that was amazing, you're amazing"

I felt my cheeks get red, i was blushing like a little girl who had just had her first kiss, i didn't want him to see me get all weird so i walked passed him opening his door to walk downstairs. I wanted him to follow me, and he did just that. I knew he would.
Cameron was watching us walk downstairs, i could tell he was trying to hold in his laughs

"did you bang..?" Cameron said laughing

i decided to not say anything, "bang?" real classy cam.

"Almost" i heard the words slip from nashs mouth causing Cam to finally laugh.

This boy has to try harder then that

Author's note:
i may not be good at writing a lot of detail in a lot of other sections but i love me a good smut so y'all better get ready for that
love you all!!! Keep reading(:

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