chapter 7

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

I was at the nurses office with Nash and the nurse was feeling around my arm.

"Its definitely broken. you have to go to the ER so you can get a cast there. Tell me what happened first." The nurse asked and me and Nash looked at eachother.

"I.. was, um. Walking in the hall and I... tripped and fell on my arm." I said obviously lieing.

"Hanna.. tell the real story. I can if you want" Nash said and I nodded my head

"Well that douche bag Connor Fr-" Nash was cut off by the nurse

"Language please Mr. Grier." The nurse said to Nash

"Sorry... That butthole Connor Shoved Hanna's back and she fell down onto her arm." Nash said. Connor is going to get in trouble now and hurt me more. Great.

"Ok. Thanks Nash. Ill call the principal. And Hanna you can call your parents or someone to bring you to the ER. Nash, you can go too. What class are you in?" The nurse said. Great, Nash is coming. Can this get any better.. Not.

"Health." Nash said. The nurse called our health teacher and told her what had happened.

"Ill call Cameron" I said picking up my phone

*Calling Cameron*

C: Hey, Hanna. shouldn't you be at school?

H: Uh. yeah.. but I kind of broke my arm.. Can you come get me and Nash and bring us to the ER please?

C: Oh my gosh! What happened!

H: ill explain when you get us. Can you?

C: Of course! Ill be there in 5 minutes!

H: Thanks so much. Bye.

C: No problem. Bye.

*End of Phone Call*

Cameron got at school 5 minutes later and we got in to his car. I was tearing up a little bit because it hurt

"It will be fine. Okay?" Nash said giving me a perfect smile.

"Okay." I said giving him a smile back. His smile made me like him a little. There's the start. He has been here for me all today from my arm.

"You guys just had the fault in our stars moment." Cameron said causing us to laugh "So what happened?" Cameron asked worried

"I fell-" I started and got cut off by Nash

"Hanna, stop cam needs to know the truth." Nash started, " She was shoved by this douche named Connor." Nash said. Cam looked pissed.

"But, hes your friend, why are you acting like you hate him" I said confused.

"Yeah. my "Friend" and I do hate him." Nash said using hand quotions on the "friend" part.

"Connor who?" Cameron said


Authors note: Who else had a feeling it was Connor Franta?
I know he isn't part of O2L anymore, BTW I CRIED WATCHING THAT VIDEO #WeLoveYouConnor and he is the nicest person ever but, remember this is a fan fiction.

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