Chapter 33

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

"How was last night?" Mary says smirking as we were walking through.

"good" I giggled

"Oh come on. You loved it!" She laughed

"True, it was weird but there was something beautiful about it." I laughed along with her "what about you?"

"What about me?" She laughed

"What did you and Jack do last night?" I nudged her arm and giggled

"Nothing much. We just cuddled" She shrugged unsatisfied

"Hes a very nice guy." I said and she nodded

We reached 'forever 21' and started trying on clothes

"How about this?" I said walking out off the dressing room, in a black strapless dress, I had on a denim jacket on it to tie the whole look together.

"Oh my gosh, you look amazing! You should so get that!" Mary said looking at my outfit

"Do I really look good?" I asked looking in the mirror, smiling. I didn't see the same girl that I was one month ago. I saw a new, happy me. I liked it.

"You look awesome." She giggled "Nash will love it"

I smiled to myself and bought the outfit.

*Cameron's P.O.V*

We were at lunch and it was perfect. Zoe was so beautiful.

"You look really good" I smiled at her, after taking a bite of my sandwhich. I saw a red color come over her cheeks. She was blushing. It was so cute.

"Thanks" She smiled "You look really good too."

"Thanks" I winked at her.

We were just talking about our lives a little after that.

"So. Do you like going mini golfing?" I asked hoping she'd say yes.

"Of course!" She said

"Would you like to go with me after lunch?" I asked

"Sure!" She smiled.

We finished up lunch. She tried to pay

"I got it." I payed before her


"I want to." I gave her a smile

"Thank you" she said hugging me before we walked out

"No problem" I hugged her back

We got to the golf course

"I call the purple ball!" She grabbed a golf ball

"I got blue!" I said grabbing a golf ball

At the end of golfing I won by 10 pts.

"Hey! I let you win!" She nudge my arm

"Mhmmmm!" I said trying to sound like Brent Rivera. i failed at it and she laughed

I reached her house to bring her home

"Thank you for today Cam" She smiled

"no problem" I smiled back "Can I walk you in?"

"Sure" She nodded

I walked her up to her door step

"Thanks again" She stepped on her tippy toes and put her arms around my neck

"You're welcome" I rested my hands on her waist. She bite her lip as I saw her eyes go from my lips to my eyes. I was so tempted to just push her against the wall and makeout with her like crazy. but, that wouldn't be right I mean, we just started hanging out today. I started leaning in and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

I thought it was going to be nothing special, but I felt butterfly's flutter in my stomach. Zoe had just made me feel like no girl has before.

"See ya." She smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before walking into her house.

once the door closed I couldn't help but, get a huge grin on my face.

I added a group convo with everyone except Mary because I didn't have her number.

Me: Omfg. Best date ever! :D

Hanna: Oh shitttttt. What happened!?!

Nash: My boy has become a man.

Jack J: Get it, son!

Jacob: Yasss

Taylor: Damnnn boyyyy

Dillon: Cam=Nonvirgin

Jack G: That's what I'm talking about!

Aaron: oh baby!

Sammy: Did you get dat lip action?

Matt: You go Glen Coco! :'D

Carter: We didn't go on a date...? haha jk nice man!

Hayes: ;) :)

Shawn: Babe<3

Me: She loved the date and we kissed;)

everyone went crazy on text after that.


Authors Note:

hi guysss!

Sorry I haven't been updating!

I have been reallyyyyy busy!

I'm going to start a new chapter for this story tonight and it will be really juicy :'D hahahaha juicy

Vote for this story if you want to go on a date with Cam!

I know I would want to;)

Thanks so much for reading<3

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