Chapter 2

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

"thank god," i made it through a whole 8 periods without seeing any of the 3 guys that I am secretly so afraid of. But of course, since i go to a small school, i see them as I walk to my locker, i look down at my feet trying not to make eye contact. Do i really think that will make them not notice me?

"What's up hanna?" I heard a rather loud voice say from across the hall. I didn't even look up, i tried my best to ignore the voice, "oh wow, you're not even gonna acknowledge me as a person? Damn, thats disrespectful." I knew that voice from anywhere, Nash.

"Nash, i really do not have time for these games today, okay?" I know I should act tougher then that but I am tired. Tired of the torment everyday.

"Who said I was playing games? I can't say hi to you?" I can hear the sarcasm in his voice, it made my blood boil, I never give him the satisfaction of seeing me upset or angered by his words. Even if he can't see it on the outside, he knows i am miserable on the inside which probably gives him something to smile about when he lays down on his pillow at night.
I continue to ignore him hoping he would just walk away, I don't understand why this is so fun to him.
"Really, you think you're all big and bad all of a sudden ignoring me?" he laughed to himself "see hanna, if you weren't such a bitch maybe i would be nicer but since you are a bitch, i will forever make your life a living hell." he said as i looked into his eyes "I like making you sad, I hope you know that,"

"Oh, I know you do" i couldn't make eye contact with him anymore, no matter how bright his eyes were, they still seemed dark to me.
"Good, see you in class," he smiled finally walking away,
I always forget he is in my 9th period class on A days but, at least Laura is in this class. I wouldn't make it out alive if she weren't in this class. I grabbed my text book and walked right to class. It was health, i love health, i find it so interesting but, lately i haven't been able to focus on the material since i have a brown haired, blue eyed, rude distraction in there. I sigh to myself as I walk in.
I'm happy to see laura's bright teeth shine at me as I walk in the door. Laura is beautiful, and has the perfect skinny body i have always dreamt about having, she is so sweet and caring, but also would never let anyone get under her skin. I wish i was more like her. I don't know how she is seen with me in this school.
I took my unassigned but assigned seat next to her said our hellos and opened up out text books to the pages that were written on the board.
"So, how has the day been treating you?" She asked with concerned eyes, she knows how everything goes for me, I am so happy she cares.
"It really hasn't been too bad, I guess, Nash hasn't said super mean things yet, he just tries to push my buttons." I looked up as Nash walked in, quickly taking my eyes back off him "it's usually connor that takes things to the next level." I say and laura nods
"once an asshole, always an asshole." Laura rolls here eyes
"hey girls" nash smiles at me and laura "this seat taken?" He points to the vacant seat behind me and laura
"Maybe by someone else," Laura says "I don't know if I feel comfortable with you behind me for 42 minutes" laura flashes him a fake smile, i laugh inside, i wouldn't dare to laugh out loud.
"Laura you dream about me being behind you for 42 minutes" nash said making his buddies laugh
"you are sick" laura scuffed, turning back  around unlocking eye contact with him
"so they say" he laughs "right hanna?"
I ignore him
"Hanna, if you keep ignoring me it's not going to be pretty for you."
"i don't know how to answer you anymore, I don't want to think about you." i said the most honest thing i have ever said to him before. I really don't, he tries to burst my bubble every day, I can catch a break.
"But i know you think about me every time, you bring your pieces of medal to your wrists," he says and my heart drops "it brings me joy knowing i bring you pain."
"you had your fun, if you're going to sit behind us you're going to shut the fuck up." Laura spat back at him
"she can't speak for herself?" nash laughed
"please leave me alone nash, i don't need this, especially not in a class room-"
"good morning class" Mrs. Johns walked in saving my life, literally. We are on the  reproduction unit, which i find interesting in certain ways.
"So as i told you last week, we will be having a project due soon where you take home a life like baby and you will be paired up with someone, just like you are a mother and a father. You will have to make time for this baby and treat it like your own and i will be assigning partners." Mrs. Johns said, please save me again and have me be partners with the shy kid that sits in the far back and doesn't talk.

"Laura and Bob"

"Tanner and Bella"

"Nash and Hanna" shit. of course.

I looked back at Nash and he smiled.
"Fuck." I whispered

"What's wrong. do you not like me?" Nash said smiling

"Why would I like you." I said rolling my eyes.

"Nash and hanna, please stop talking while i am trying to talk about the project."

"my apologies Mrs johns" nash smiled back at our teacher.

"does this mean i have to have sex with you?" Nash said laughing

"Is that all you think about 24/7?" i said disgusted at his comment

"Yeah i'm a dude."

"Nash and Hanna please leave my class, if you can't respect me, you shouldn't be here."

"i'm sorry, I- It wasn't-"

"hanna I asked you more then enough, leave" She said not caring

"but it was nash." Laura said rolling her eyes

"if you say something else Miss smith you can join them." my teacher said in a loud tone

"It was my fault laura, don't get in trouble because of me." i said standing up almost in unison with nash

"thanks a lot, bitch" Nash said purposely bumping into me which caught me off guard and i dropped my textbook on the ground causing a loud noise, making the class laugh, and my teacher getting mad at every second.
I quickly picked it up and walked in a fast pace out the door, of course this would happen,
"Don't forget your baby miss speedy." My teacher said handing me a fake baby girl.
"Right, thanks." i said walking out of the door. When i walked out i see nash standing, seeming like he is waiting for me.
"Ill give you a ride home to my house and we'll do the project." Nash said in a different tone, acting like nothing just happened
"what? no. Why?" I said very confused

"i'm not hanging out with you everyday so this is the only day i am doing it or i will tell mrs johns that you didn't want to participate." Nash smiled, he knows my grades matter so much to me

"i'd rather have my mom get me." I said trying to stand up to me

"No. you're coming with me." Nash said and I sighed and texted my mom that I had to go home with Nash for a project.


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