Chapter 48

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We arrived at Panera. I tried. I tried so hard to forget about the flashbacks of the past. I can't, and its driving me insane.

"Hanna?" Nash snapped me out of my day dream.

"Huh?" I said

"She asked what you wanted" Nash pointed to the lady taking our order

"Oh, sorry. Um. I'll have mac n' cheese, please" i said

"Okay, and for you?" She asked Nash

"I'll have mac n' cheese too." He said

"Okay, that will be $5.45" she said

"Thank you" me and Nash both said

Everyone else ordered what they wanted and we sat at a table until our food was ready

What's up hanna?" I heard a rather loud voice say from across the hall. I didn't even look up, i tried my best to ignore the voice, "oh wow, you're not even gonna acknowledge me as a person? Damn, thats disrespectful." I knew that voice from anywhere, Nash.

"Nash, i really do not have time for these games today, okay?" I know I should act tougher then that but I am tired. Tired of the torment everyday.

"Who said I was playing games? I can't say hi to you?" I can hear the sarcasm in his voice, it made my blood boil, I never give him the satisfaction of seeing me upset or angered by his words. Even if he can't see it on the outside, he knows i am miserable on the inside which probably gives him something to smile about when he lays down on his pillow at night.
I continue to ignore him hoping he would just walk away, I don't understand why this is so fun to him.
"Really, you think you're all big and bad all of a sudden ignoring me?" he laughed to himself "see hanna, if you weren't such a bitch maybe i would be nicer but since you are a bitch, i will forever make your life a living hell." he said as i looked into his eyes "I like making you sad, I hope you know that,"

"Oh, I know you do" i couldn't make eye contact with him anymore, no matter how bright his eyes were, they still seemed dark to me.
"Good, see you in class," he smiled finally walking away,

*End of flashback*

My breathing got heavy and I felt tears fall down my face.

"N-Nash" I said and he looked at me.

"Whats wrong, babe!?" Nash said nervously and whiped the tears off my face.

"Hanna, what's going on?" Laura asked, nervously too

"I need to t-talk to you." I said to Nash

"Okay.. um. We will be right back guys" Nash said and everyone nodded.

"Can we go in the car and talk?" I said quietly

"Sure" Nash nodded

We got in the car and I broke down in tears. Tears that I have been holding in all day, and trust me. It felt good to let them all out.

Nash held me my hand

"Hanna, you're scaring me. What's going on?" He said nervously again.

I finally calmed down.

"I'm having flashbacks Nash. Bad ones too." I tried not to break down again

"What do you mean? About what?" He said. I saw sadness in his eyes and i could tell he doesn't like seeing me like this.

"Well one of my dad... Ya know" tears came down my eyes and he pulled me into his chest.

"That monster will never hurt you, ever again. You are safe and sound with me." Nash kissed my forehead

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