Chapter 22

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

"About Jack. He is one of my really good friends so I know a lot about him. He was with a girl named Cindy about 5 months ago and didn't show her off to any fans. They would have sex about every night. Everyone thought he was just using her. Sure enough he was..She walked in on him making out with another girl. He then told us he was just using her for sex" Nash explained. My heart dropped.

Does Jack really do that? I couldn't believe him. I cant believe I told him my whole life story.. I kiss him, hard and long. My stomach hurts. but, Cameron would've told me to stay away from him if he did that.. hmmm.. that makes me wonder..

*Nash's P.O.V*

Yeah.. I was obviously lieing about that whole story. Jack would never do that, but I want Hanna so bad! I made up what I was going to tell her at the Magcon event today. I needed a good believable lie. The whole story was actually opposite. I feel bad.. but I love her.

I looked into her eyes and grabbed her hand across the table and she smiled

"Hanna. I really like you. I wish I could take all that happened in-" I was cut off talking by the waitress

*Hanna's P.O.V*

"Hi! I'm your waitress Michelle! Are you ready to order?" This plastic blonde haired barbie said to us. Nash looked her up and down and bite his lip

"Um.. I'll have chicken fingers and fries and a coke" I said

"And for you babe?" The waitress said to Nash winking

"I'll have the same cutie." Nash said smiling. The waitress was flirting back and wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to Nash, I could clearly see a phone number written across it, does this girl not have respect for me? Are you serious? you see me sitting here.
"Thank you" Nash said smiling gladly taking the paper and putting it into his pocket.

"You know what, you are utterly ridiculous and I'm leaving" I said getting up and walking towards the door before he could even say anything. How can Nash look me in my eyes and say he likes me and then flirts with a barbie doll right infront of me. Is that the type of girls he likes? Really? Because i know for a fact i'm the only brown haired, small breasted girl he has ever been with. Fuck this.

"Where are you going?" Nash yelled through the features

"Anywhere but here!" I yelled back, i don't care who saw, they should all know he is a fool.

"So what are you going to do walk?" he yelled

"I'll find a way" I said as I walked out the door. I let a couple tears out because I thought he actually liked me

I called someone to pick me up. I couldn't call Cam. he would've knocked Nash out.

"Hello?" They said

"Can you come pick me up at applebees's?" I said sobbing a little

"what's wrong babe? ill be there in 5" he said

"Ill tell you later. Thanks Jack" I said back

"Ok! Be there soon!" He said

then we both hung up

Jack got here around 5 minutes later and Nash was still inside eating with that slut waitress.

I hopped in Jack's car and he starred into my eyes

"What's wrong Hanna? Why were you here?" Jack asked driving off

"Because.. At magcon today while you were performing he texted me he had to tell me something about so he wanted to take me out to dinner to tell me." I told Jack he then pulled his car over

"What the fuck did that asshole tell you about me." Jack said furiously

"He said that you were with a girl named Cindy about 5 months ago and didn't show her off to any fans. And you guys would have sex about every night. Everyone thought you were just using her. He said that she walked in on you making out with another girl. You then told everyone you were just using her for sex." I said and his face looked liked he was going to kill Nash. "Would you really do that to someone?" I asked shyly

"No. He told you the story the other way around." Jack said looking into my eyes. (A/N: Remember they are pulled over!)

"Well then what's the real story?" I asked

"Cindy and I did date 5 months ago for like 3 weeks. I didn't show her off to any fans because she didn't want me to. And she would beg for sex. for about 30 minutes until I gave in. I didn't like it.. it didn't feel right with her. And I went to her house upstairs in her room and saw ber making out with another guy. She told me she was using me because I was good at sex." he paused "That's the truth... just ask anyone except Nash." Jack said

"I think if Nash's story was real the Cam would've warned me about you. So I believe you." I said smiling giving him a hug

"Thank you. Now what happened with you and Nash? Why did you call me to come get you?" Jack asked driving off

"Because he was flirting with our slutty waitress and she gave him her number." I said

"That was a dick move. He is a fucking little bitch." Jack said tensing up "I would never do that to you." Jack said smiling but looking at the road

"I know. you wouldn't do half the shit to me that Nash has done." I said

"Half? I wouldn't do any of it!" Jack said

"Yeah I know." I paused "Thanks for picking me up tonight." I said kissing him on the cheek while he was still driving

"No problem. Anything for you." He said smiling

"Jack, I like you even though I met you yesterday. But, I know a guy like you would never like a girl like me." I said frowning while we pulled into the hotel parking garage "and my life is complicated, i can not decide what i want"

"What do you mean by 'A guy like me'" Jack said parking "and i will respect you whoever you went to be with, you got it. you deserve whatever your big heart desires."

"I'm just a suicidal freak like everyone in my school thinks of me." I said

"You're much more then that." Jack said putting a piece of hair behind my ear

"Jack, you don't have to just say that to be nice. Ok? I have never had a real boyfriend only two in like 6th grade that both lasted like a week. and I only have one friend. To everyone at school I'm a slut, even though i am a virgin. I sometimes starve myself... i did once for a week. Words hurt, ya know? But, you don't have to sit there and tell me I'm more then a suicidal freak because I'm not" I said not realizing I was crying

"I don't lie. if a girl is beautiful then I tell them. And Hanna Russell you are beautfiul. You are going to succeed more in life then those losers at your school doing that to you. You're perfect just the way you are." Jack said giving me a quick peck on the lips.

After that we just sat in his car talking about random things and I realized.. I like both Jack and Nash. I know I shouldn't like Nash but I have always liked him. I just met Jack and he is the sweetest person. I have a lot of thinking to do.

Authors Note:

OK! Hey guys! I need more people in this story

So comment what boy you want. All except Jack G.

What color hair and eyes you want

how tall you are

His old you are

If no one comments then ill pick but yeah. Thanks for reading

Thanks for 1.1K reads!!!!!!!!!


Love you all SOOOOOOO much!∞

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