Chapter 45

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*Hanna's P.O.V*

We got back to the hotel and everyone went in Cameron's room and Nash and I went into our room.

"I missed you." Nash said coming up behind me, and pulling me towards his chest. He slighty closed the door behind him. He turned me around making our eyes lock.

Nash locked his hand behind my head, planting his plump lips onto mine. I pushed him towards the bed, hovering over him, as he fell onto the bed. He leaned up, deepening the kiss, as I ran my hands under his shirt. I smirked at him shivering against my touch. I loved that I had that effect on him, i love how we make each other feel. I was now sitting on top of him. Nash bit down on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I accepted. I opened my mouth as he slid his tounge in. We explored eachothers mouths as his hands slid up my shirt, and back down tugging on the hem of it. I will never get over his taste. I sat up, more as Nash was half way taking my shirt off until we heard our door opened. I pulled my shirt down as quick as possible.

it was Taylor and Laura.

"Oh shit! Sorry!" Laura said putting her hands over eyes and taylor did the same,

"We will be leaving now" Taylor said as him and laura basically ran out of the door.

"I guess I didn't lock the door" Nash giggled, as his hands were on the back of my neck

"Ya think?" I chuckled

Nash then got up and locked the door.

"Wanna finish what we started?" Nash smirked as he was back over to me and I nodded.

He pushed me down on the bed. Him now hovering over me.

He licked my bottom lip wanting entrance. I excepted again. I leaned my head back deepening the kiss. He then went down to my neck and started sucking on my skin. He found my sweet spot and I moaned.

he put his hands up my shirt sending chills through my whole body.

He then pulled my shirt and took it off my body, leaving me in my bra and pants. I flipped us over so now I was on top. I started off by kissing his neck, which turned into sucking. I knew that would be a hickey by tomorrow. I also knew I had one too.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head and threw it onto the floor.

"I love you so much" Nash whispered in my ear

"I love you too" I whispered back

he flipped us over again so now he was on top, again.

he unbuttoned my jeans, leaving me in my lace bra and panties.

"Fuck, Hanna" Nash muttered "I told you you should of brought these, you look so sexy. I wish i could leave them on while i fuck you, but they need to come off."  I was melting into the hotel room bed, he driving me crazy he slipped his hand down to my area and started rubbing me through my panties. I let out moans. He then went up to my bra and cupped my chest in his hands as they traveled to my back and unclasped my bra. He started massaging me again. He took my chest into his mouth, I really love how this feels i will never get over this feeling.
"Nash" I moaned He then went back down to my panties. He slowly slipped them off, leaving me naked. he rubbed me again which caused me to moan. He left little kisses in my inner thighs. I then felt two fingers plunge inside of me. My breathing was so uneasy i knew he notice and i knew he loved having this effect.

"Who made you this wet?" Nash asked. I couldn't even speak.

"Answer me, babe." He said kissing my cheek while his fingers were still inside me.

"N-Nash" I finally said

"good" he smirked

He then stuck his tounge in and started twirling it around, oh my god. This was by far my favorite part, it's so amazing i feel like heaven looks like this, he then stopped causing me to get upset, He stood up and i was sitting on the edge of the hotel bed. i could see him laugh after making me frustrated,
"You know baby, you taste amazing but i can't take it, i need you wrapped around me right now." I unbuckled his belt while making eye contact the whole time. I could tell he was getting turned on by my actions. once I took his belt off I moved my hands in his pants rubbing him. I sat him on the edge of the bed and I stood up. I went to his suitcase and grabbed a condom out. I went back to him and set the condom aside, for now. I kneeled down and ripped his pants and boxers off of him, to his ankles, i took it all in my hand and started moving up and down , i could tell his breathing was getting uneasy as well
"I've never done this before, am i doing okay?" I looked up with innocent eyes
"You're doing amazing" nash said i smiles and looked down at it and started opening my mouth to take him side me "please look at me while you do this baby, it's so sexy"  I flicked my eye back at him as i first took in the head, i wrapped my hand around him using my mouth too, to move up and down on him "fuck" nash whimpered i saw him grabbing the condom and tearing the package open. "i can't take it too much baby, your eyes are enough to make me reach that point" i was blushing so much.
I then stood up while nash was sitting on the edge of the bed, he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him, "baby, i want you on top of me, it might hurt again but we will go slow" he said, i nodded as i felt the tip touch the outside, nash was guiding me and showing me what to do, he pushed my hips down farther making the top go inside of me , i was moaning so much, the pain felt a little better this time around, i loved being so close to him.
"Hanna" Nash moaned and tightened his grip on my hips and moved me up and down faster. I couldn't take this for that long, it felt so good.
"nash i'm-" i was saying but couldn't make out the words
"me too baby" he pushed my hips down a couple more times until i felt the condom fill up with his warmth. Nash then laid me down as i got up, i looked up at him and watched him take off the condom slowly and throw it in the trash. he pulled up his boxers and pants that were still around his ankles and were never fully off. he leaned down to me with no shirt on "That was great and kissed my lips lightly." he smirked. I smiled and nodded my head.

"We should tell Taylor and Laura to come back in" I said and Nash agreed, after i got fully dressed, nash let his shirt off. I then texted Laura to come back in after I unlocked the door.

two minutes later they both walked in and me and Nash were under the bed covers.

"Ew. it smells like sex in here" Taylor joked around, making us laugh.

"Well, it looks like you two tired eachother out." Laura laughed

"Oh, We sure did" Nash smiled at me and I blushed.

"Goodnight!" I said changing the subject

"Yeah. Goodnight" Taylor giggled and him and laura hopped into the bed next to us.

Me in Nash both fell asleep in eachothers arms.

what a perfect way to end a, more than perfect night.


that was so awkward to write but I did it for you guys. hahahha

Thanks soooooo much for 20.2K reads OMFG ILY GUYS.


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